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How do you balance pride in your own culture with openness to others in a multicultural society?


Discuss how multicultural friendships have or have not influenced your cultural perceptions and values.


How does the concept of ethnic nationalism fit into today's globally connected world?


What are the most influential factors that shape your understanding and appreciation of your own ethnic background?


How does the language you speak at home connect you with your cultural heritage?


How can respecting different cultural heritages build a more inclusive national identity?


How have your friendships influenced your views on cultural heritage and ethnic nationalism?


If you were to create a cultural exchange program, what elements of your culture would you showcase, and why?


What's one cultural aspect of another group that you admire and why?


Can you describe a time when your ethnicity influenced how others perceived or interacted with you?


What actions do you think communities can take to foster harmony between diverse cultural groups?


In what ways does your cultural background influence your career aspirations or educational goals?


Have you ever felt torn between two cultures, and how have you navigated this duality?


How has your perception of your cultural identity evolved over time, and what influenced this change?


How do you believe technology is impacting the preservation or transformation of cultural traditions?


What role do you think language plays in uniting or dividing people within a nation?


Have international events or experiences changed your perspective on your own cultural identity?


How has a friendship with someone from a different cultural background enriched your understanding of the world?


How do your personal values align or conflict with the traditional values of your cultural heritage?


If you could preserve one element of your cultural heritage for future generations, what would it be and why?


Have you ever been in a situation where you had to explain or defend your ethnic heritage?


Do you think it's possible to celebrate one's own ethnic background while being inclusive of others?


How does the celebration of national holidays in your country reflect its ethnic diversity, if at all?


Are the cultural or ethnic identities portrayed in popular media reflective of your life?


How has your experience at school shaped your views on cultural and ethnic identities?


Do you believe that a strong sense of ethnic identity contributes to personal well-being?


What experiences have you had that highlight the importance of diversity in your own life?


Should countries focus on building a national story that encompasses various ethnic narratives?


Can a sense of belonging stem from shared values rather than shared ancestry?


How do recent global movements around nationalism and identity politics affect your sense of self?


What is one family tradition that holds deep meaning for you, and why?


How do you feel about the idea that one's birthplace can shape their entire identity?


Would you consider cultural or ethnic background a decisive factor in choosing your close friends or life partner?


How do you navigate between maintaining cultural traditions and embracing modernity?


What would you want people to know or understand about your cultural heritage?


Has a historical event significantly impacted your view of your own cultural identity?


How do the celebrations and holidays you observe reflect your ethnic background, and what do they mean to you?


How does the concept of ‘home’ relate to your cultural identity?


What role do you think food plays in keeping cultural heritage alive?


Can you think of a time when learning about another culture deeply affected or changed you?


Have you ever felt pressure to assimilate into a culture that wasn't your own, and how did you handle it?


If you could share one custom from your culture with the world, what would it be and why?


How have stories from your family's past shaped the person you are today?


Do you believe your ethnic background influences your political views or vice versa?


Have you ever experienced a situation where language created a barrier or a bond in your community?


How would you feel if there were a significant demographic change in your local community?


What's your stance on the balance between national unity and cultural diversity?


Do you feel that the media portrays your culture accurately?


How does celebrating ethnic festivals make you feel about your own cultural identity?


What does the phrase 'melting pot' versus 'salad bowl' mean to you in the context of cultural diversity?