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 @4P29LQ6from Nova Scotia answered…3yrs3Y

Let's use common sense here, who is out of work? Have they been here longer than the guy that has the current job? Then take him out and put the guy who was in this country the longest in that place, A) he's done more for the country B) we need to start worrying more about the people we have in this country than the ones from other countries.

 @9LJVNVSfrom Ontario answered…2wks2W

They shouldn't bother creating temporary work visas. It's either they are a citizen or not a citizen, because that most workers goals anyways in this program.

 @9K3DVX4from Ontario answered…2mos2MO

Increase, could form a better bond to the people of foreign countries resulting in better variety of contacts which could lead to greater supply for trade

 @9JC6BKVfrom Ontario answered…3mos3MO

Decrease the minimum wage and remove some social programs to incentivise unemployed Canadians to fill these roles; alternatively subsidize automation in these industries to replace the labour.

 @9GZYG4Jfrom Quebec answered…5mos5MO

Regardless, improving immigration rules, citizenship test, border control and accepting anyone who's not a criminal or a national threat, also imposing no limit amount of immigrants or legal residents would make this question irrelevant.

 @9GYSNHDfrom Nova Scotia answered…5mos5MO

Decrease, we need to start worrying more about the people we have in this country than the ones from other countries.

 @8WTKT24from Ontario answered…3yrs3Y

 @8WFRGBHfrom Quebec answered…3yrs3Y

Until the citizen of the land can’t put numbers allowed foreigners to work

 @8VMRWH8from Alberta answered…3yrs3Y

 @8V94HH4from Ontario answered…3yrs3Y

 @Kerrnelfrom Ontario answered…3yrs3Y

We should be educating our population that work role does not equal value, and incentivize Canadians to take jobs that used to be viewed as "beneath them"

 @8TYWNDPNew Democraticfrom Alberta answered…3yrs3Y

Considered individual cases, the need and if there are enough Canadian workers to fill positions

 @8TRPMHXfrom Ontario answered…3yrs3Y

I am unsure at this moment/ don’t have enough information to formulate an opinion

 @9FPG8CXfrom Alberta answered…7mos7MO

 @9FJSRV9from Ontario answered…7mos7MO

Maintain as much as possible while still directing said workers to industries with a shortage of Canadian workers

 @9F7DNYYfrom Ontario answered…8mos8MO

Increase, but only for industries with critical shortages of workers (such as the healthcare system)

 @9F5KMPVfrom Alberta answered…8mos8MO

Train more Canadians and prioritize Canadians when hiring. Do more to address the worker shortage within Canada using Canadians but use foreign temporary workers if necessary.

 @9D4R2DYfrom Quebec answered…9mos9MO

Neither, current temporary foreign workers should be offered permanent residence and potential for citizenship

 @9978ZGMfrom Oklahoma answered…1yr1Y

Neither, Temporary foreign workers should make the same wages as citizens doing the same job, and be given a path to citizenship or permanent residency

 @98B6SV5from Quebec answered…1yr1Y

Temporary worker should be only allowed if they want citizenship, and stay in the country.

 @988GXLKfrom Nova Scotia answered…1yr1Y

 @9653HWJfrom Ontario answered…2yrs2Y

Increase, but only for industries with a shortage of Canadian workers.

 @95K5YQGfrom British Columbia answered…2yrs2Y

It's obviously needed, as these jobs are jobs that many Canadians wouldn't want to do as they are hard jobs that are long hours, but I would also say that we need to treat them with respect, and we can't just let them be at the whim of the agricultural owners as well. I would say keep the system as it is, but we also can't ignore the problems with it, nor the growing demand of Canadian produce that is needed around the world right now, especially with the war in Ukraine.

 @94CXG6Gfrom Quebec answered…2yrs2Y

 @93WL6VFfrom Ontario answered…2yrs2Y

Canadian workers in industries such as farms could fill the jobs that are currently available in Canada on a larger business. Greed should not be incentivized, plenty of young people could use these opportunities as stepping stones into the work place that are Canadian citizens.

 @8Z87ZRQfrom Ontario answered…2yrs2Y

 @8XZNFFCfrom British Columbia answered…2yrs2Y

 @8XWV8LKPeople’sfrom Manitoba answered…2yrs2Y

End allowing temporary foreign workers into Canada, period. There are plenty of able body, able minded Canadians not working.

 @8VC7N6SConservativefrom Ontario answered…3yrs3Y

Continue to monitor job demand by industry and allow addition work visas accordingly

 @9FN75NHNew Democraticfrom British Columbia answered…7mos7MO

easy for said workers to be exploited, so i suppose heavy heavy regulations and worker rights for the employers

 @95VJTPZfrom British Columbia answered…2yrs2Y

They should be treated as citizens with medical. And companies found abusing them should be charged.

 @8V8L4X3from British Columbia answered…3yrs3Y

 @8TQTW27New Democraticfrom British Columbia answered…3yrs3Y

Temporary foreign workers should make the same wages as citizens doing the same job, and be given a path to citizenship or permanent residency

 @8TLH2TQfrom British Columbia answered…3yrs3Y

Increase, and offer easy pathways to citizenship if the worker is interested in permanently relocating to Canada

 @8T64KVGGreenfrom Ontario answered…3yrs3Y

 @8TGZRLYfrom Quebec answered…3yrs3Y

 @8T3KK2VLiberalfrom Manitoba answered…3yrs3Y

Maintain the current amount for industries without a shortage, and increase only for industries with a shortage of canadian workers.

 @8S69HSHfrom Alberta answered…3yrs3Y

Decrease, we should invest in Canadians who are in the unemployment field.


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