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 @B358QXPfrom British Columbia  disagreed…3hrs3H

That it just isn't necessary, they're equal to everyone else so let them compete with everyone else on the same terms.

 @B357272from Ontario  answered…5hrs5H

Should Canada become the 51st state

 @B357272from Ontario  answered…5hrs5H

more conservative options

 @B356PBKfrom Al Bahah  answered…6hrs6H

I would identify most with public opinion—it's a mix of various viewpoints based on society's needs and values, rather than being strictly one ideology.

 @B355JWJfrom Ontario  answered…7hrs7H

They should be verified in private when entering a place where they need to participate. Otherwise it’s fine

 @B3549GFfrom Manitoba  answered…8hrs8H

Yesss! cause little rich billy's need to lose money and stop flexing on the poor with their new porche and IPhone46678753362378459847363674858473 mega mega!

 @B3544SRfrom Manitoba  answered…8hrs8H

YES those little rich kids need to loose money! and stop flexing on poor people with there new porche!

 @B353N4Nfrom British Columbia  answered…9hrs9H

Yes, any tax payer should be able to vote so long as they pass a test demonstrating minimal understanding of politics

 @B352FHFfrom Ontario  answered…9hrs9H

Yes, so long as debt and interest payments to GDP ratios are kept under control.

 @B34ZX2Gfrom Ontario  commented…10hrs10H

Trump is obviously favouring Putin’s position and that is disturbing

 @B34YX9Nfrom Alberta  answered…10hrs10H

Yes, but only if individuals are financially supporting unemployed members of their family as small as 3 individuals.