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 @9LP328Sfrom Northwest Territories  disagreed…4hrs4H

None. I do not think that those who are not citizens should be empowered to guide the direction of our state.

 @9LP328Sfrom Northwest Territories  answered…4hrs4H

Yes, but only to students who obtain a job in their field of study and work in Canada for a minimum number of years

 @9LP28BLfrom Quebec  disagreed…6hrs6H

Gun laws are more than tight enough, and getting worse. the legal gun owners are not the problem, it’s the criminals wit…

 @9LP28BLfrom Quebec  answered…6hrs6H

No, it all happened many years before I was born why are we still paying for the actions of the founding people of cana…

 @9LP28BLfrom Quebec  answered…6hrs6H

Decrease, take care of our country first. That what government officials are voted in to office for. To take care of the…

 @9LP28BLfrom Quebec  answered…6hrs6H

Take care of our homeless and Canadian citizens before taking care of other countries. We have a lot going on in Canada,…

 @9LP28BLfrom Quebec  answered…6hrs6H

If kids can’t figure out there gender, biology, common sense, they shouldn’t have the power to affect our country’s law…

 @9LNZCPWfrom British Columbia  answered…8hrs8H

Reduce the benefits and salaries of government officials, and reduce the number of government officials instead

 @9LNZCPWfrom British Columbia  answered…8hrs8H

Abolish the income tax for personal income, no change for the sales tax, and keep taxes for the big corporations.

 @9LNZ9M3from Ontario  agreed…9hrs9H

Drug abuse can lead to severe health consequences, including addiction, mental health issues, and physical harm. A more…

 @9LNZ9M3from Ontario  disagreed…9hrs9H

Drugs are a significant problem in Canada, and harsher laws need to be enforced to keep streets clean