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 @9RLR8YHfrom Ontario  answered…2hrs2H

Not if it comes at the expense of solving the housing crisis

 @9RLFFWSfrom Alabama  answered…8hrs8H

Try to diversify but maintain a high level of performance and qualifications and who’s best for the job.

 @9RLFFWSfrom Alabama  answered…8hrs8H

Invest in making safe autonomous vehicles safer than human drivers who can be very reckless

 @9RL3TFFfrom Alberta  answered…16hrs16H

Yes if it were used for commercial film and photography and services like search and rescue. There is enough advertising…

 @9RKXXXJfrom Pennsylvania  answered…20hrs20H

Yes. As long as Palestine lays down their arms & stops starting wars with Israel

 @9RKQP9Qfrom New Brunswick  answered…23hrs23H

Why do we need self driving vehicles to begin with?

 @9RKP66Vfrom Ontario  answered…24hrs24H

Yes, but have an assimilation program to make it easier for immigrants to adapt and learn the Canadian culture of where…