A government pension is a fund into which a sum of money is added during the period in which a person is employed by the government. When the government employee retires they are able to receive periodic payments from the fund in order to support themselves. As the birth rate continues to fall and the life expectancy rises governments worldwide are predicting funding shortfalls for pensioners. In 2016 the government proposed raising the CPP benefit to $17,478 from $13,000.
Narrow down the conversation to these participants:
Low income pensioners should be increased to at least a living wage and adjust them yearly for cost of living
Unknown. Pension payments should be calculated to ensure they are adequate to support current and projected needs.
same as the regular pensions
Should be increased for every retired worker
Pensioners should get more money. Make it so they're able to live comfortably. Pensions should pay enough for all of elderly people's needs.
Depends on how much their pension is. Some government workers do r make astronomical amounts. For them it should be adjusted but if someone is taking in a huge amount then no.
The pensions should be as they were when the pensioners signed on. This is a stupid question. The people pay for heir pensions
Pensions for former government workers work differently in Canada than they do in the US. Question not relevant.
No. Govt workers should receive no more benefits than other citizens. A career in public service doesn’t entitle one to more of other people’s money.
No, and any Canadian get to retire at any desired age and repeal the Canadian Pension Plan so it would become private pension plan instead.
Neutral, pension payments should be calculated to ensure they are adequate to support current and projected needs.
@8VV6BJRNew Democratic3yrs3Y
Yes but for all pensions not just government workers.
no they should be treated just like normal non government workers.
They should pay for their own pensions.
Yes for everyone but not politicians
Pensions ought to be governed by C.O.L.A.
Yes, but only for low-income pensioners which will be adjusted yearly for cost of living. Politicians should not have their pension payments increased.
Yes, remove payments for public servants and politicians.
No, retired government workers receive enough.
should be increased for everyone
Yes, adjusted yearly for cost of living, but only for government workers, not politicians.
No, we should educate children to help their parents
Not just government workers
Not until we reduce the debt, but for government workers and low income pensioners, not for politicians.
No, and politicians should be based on 85 factor, so they don't collect the pension before it's reasonable to retire.
keep it the same as it is
Yes they should be increased with more benefits to veterans and less to politicians
Pension should be raised for all.
Yes, but only for low income and excluding politicians
Incorporate retirement into a UBI system
@8YTMH69New Democratic3yrs3Y
Increase for all pensioners not just government
@8WNHTXHNew Democratic3yrs3Y
No, unless it's being increased for all workers.
No, they should not be treated any differently than any other pensioner.
No, but index them to inflation
Maintain status quo. Cost of living adjustment already built in to existing pension system.
All pensions should be defined contributions not defined benefits. The tax payer should not be responsible for short falls.
Yes, adjust them yearly for cost of living and for all workers
No Pension, you shouldn't be able to make a living off of politics.
No, that's what retirement plans are for
Yes but they should be adjusted to the yearly cost of living
All Canadians should have a federal pension plan
It should be for all Canadians.
Should be increased for all retirees
depends on the pension they get now
They should increase it for everybody who's retired
Yes, adjust for cost of living but do not increase for senior officials or politicians
Yes, but to only match that of inflation
Retired government officials shouldn’t get their own pension, they should get the CPP as every other Canadian does
okay with the current pension income
Yes, but only on necessary amounts.
increse for the elderly, regardless if they are government employees or not. Govt should be looking out for populous, not just their club
Should be a max going forward. And no pensions for any elected official.. Max 2 terms..
Veterans should get the best pension benefits
So long as it's not more than 50x the lowest pension. Should be adjusted to address CoL.
No, and eliminate all government pension plans.
Yes but only the military
Increase For all pensioners except politicians
No everyone should be the same
There should be communism.
Pensions should be adjusted for inflation for government workers and politician pensions should match those of the government workers. No more lifelong pension for a couple years of service.
It should stay the same but Julie Payette does not deserve the package she got after being forced to step down as governor general.
Government workers should not receive a pension other than CPP or a self contribution plan.
No. Government workers have significant pension plans much higher than most citizens because of unionized plans. They include bridging benefits, inflation protection and indexing which is far superior to CPP and OAS alone. (Plus these retirees would also have CPP and OAS)
No. CPP contributions and payments should be increased.
Same as for citizens. Should not be a windfall in retirement!
Politician pensions should be totally reworked and lowered. Federal employee reirement pensions and benefits should reflect the situation in the rest of Canadian industry.
No, but eliminate the CPP claw back and allow employees to supplement their pension with personal contributions while they are still working.
It should be based on a C.O.L.A. system.
Yes, and increase pension benefits for all workers.
pension should be a flat rate
Sears employees were robbed of their pensions. Disgusting!
Yes, but only POC government workers
Yes, progressively increase it. We need to respect our Former workers and officials.
The government workers already enjoy better than average retirement. The American peoples should be raised to match government standards.
Yes, but not just government workers, it should also apply to all retired workers from various economic sectors as well, depending on how long they served and what position.
Yes, but not just government workers, it should also apply to all retired workers from various economic sectors (whether public or private) as well, depending on how long they served and what position.
yes, but without compromising the funds and expense for other important areas.
Yes, but not just government workers, but to all retired workers and also military veterans (except for politicians), depending on how long they served and what position. It also depends on the amount which they agreed/negotiated for at time of employment or promotion.
No, pension should be abolished
Yes they should get the same as everyone else
Transfer them to privately managed accounts.
No, retired government workers should be held to the same pension rules and practice that normal people are required to follow; pensions should be determined by how much money you decide to put into it while you are in the workforce.
No, they should be paid the same as everyone else gets from pension. The entire pension plan system should be reevaluated and reformed to allow less money to be spent and retired people to still live comfortably.
No, it should be at the amount which they agreed/negotiated for at time of employment or promotion. The entire pension plan system should be reformed to allow less money to be spent and retired people to still live comfortably.
Yes, but not just government workers, it should apply to all retired workers (except politicians), depending on how long they served and what position.
Yes, but not just government workers, it should apply to all retired workers (except politicians), depending on how long they served and what position. It also depends on the amount which they agreed/negotiated for at time of employment.
Yes, but not just government workers, it should also apply to all retired workers as well (except politicians), depending on how long they served and what position.
No, They should stay the same
No, payments into the pension fund should be paid by the employee just like a retirement fund
Yes, and adjust them yearly so that retired government workers can receive an income to cover the basic necessities including food and housing
Yes, and adjust them yearly for the basic cost of living
No, should transition to Privately Managed Accounts (PMAs) for higher returns enabling increased payments.
No, but adjust them yearly for cost of living
No, all retirement payments should be based on your own investment into the economy and as well be in tandem with a proper UBI, therefor making a raise on Government workers an unfair advantage over their constituents which may have worked just as hard, for just as long, government does not mean military.
They should be raised as everyone else on Canada pension. Government workers SHOULD NOT be placed ahead of anyone else who has worked their life to retirement. Equal, NOT higher.
Yes, yearly for the cost of living, but not for politicians. Politicians should not be allowed to vote for their own pay raises.
Link to inflation/deflation.
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