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 @9F7VW3Nfrom Alberta agreed…8mos8MO

There are people who do not listen to their religion and do things, it doesn’t mean that their religion or faith is bad. It’s the people

 @9F7VDWMfrom Alberta agreed…8mos8MO

No race is entirely pure hearted, All races have their goods and bads, Basing one race off of a bad individual is considered racist and is not just.

 @9FXYMKBfrom Florida disagreed…7mos7MO

Im not against but its important to see who we are letting in our country its important to do more back ground checks

 @9FSDCZZPeople’sfrom Alberta disagreed…7mos7MO

People from Muslim countries are not Canadian citizens and have no constitutional right to immigrate and live in Canada. Muslims from other countries are not protected by our Charter of Rights and Freedoms and there's nothing unconstitutional about not letting people from other countries live here in Canada

 @9FDDCHCfrom Alberta agreed…7mos7MO

If we ban Muslims based on race, culture, or religion why is not every foreigner judged by the same beliefs. If the belief to ban all Muslims until an improved government screening processes, why would we not ban all immigrants in general, other than it being unconstitutional to do it to all groups.

 @9FJC72KNew Democraticfrom Alberta agreed…7mos7MO

Literally any religion can commit a crime and we shouldn'tsingle out anentire religion based off of a possibility

 @9FFQHPCfrom British Columbia agreed…7mos7MO

you should ban poeople based on their personality and background information. just because they belong to a certain religion doesn't mean they can be treated unfairly.


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