Try the political quiz

196 Replies


Imagine a school environment with complete freedom; how would students' learning experiences and outcomes differ?

 @9JNT4CLfrom Ontario answered…6mos6MO

Students wouldn't be able to grasp the motivation of wanting to learn. having guidelines help students remain focused on the work and without them we tend to stress out with what we might need to do.

 @9JNTC3Mfrom Ontario answered…6mos6MO

i think if some students have freedom for how they learn kids will not show up.And will not activaly do they work or be able to get jobs is the near future.I feel like kids outcomes will differ a lot within people not having to chase them down to get there grades up or not.For me i wouldn't get anything completed to my best abilitys without an adult telling me what too do.

 @9JNSV7Tfrom Ontario answered…6mos6MO

I think students would get less out of school and would learn less because they don't have the obligation to follow anything.

 @9JNSVKYConservativefrom Ontario answered…6mos6MO

they would differ because if everyone has freedom then everyone would learn at their pace and learn what they want.


How would removing traffic signals change the way you commute, and would you feel safe?

 @9J69TZWLiberalfrom Alberta answered…6mos6MO

I would not be safe I feel as though traffic signals are very important for the safety of drivers


Should the pursuit of happiness always trump collective societal needs?

 @9H6HL22New Democraticfrom Ontario answered…8mos8MO

Libertarianism, is important and showed always be respect all power to the people


Is it ethical to have no government control over issues like environmental protection and public health?

 @9H6D3C4from Ontario answered…8mos8MO

I think that we dont need as much gouverment control over eviormental and public health


What would you do if you had the freedom to create your educational curriculum; how would it differ from what you're learning now?

 @9HDBDJZfrom Ontario answered…8mos8MO

I am not currently a student enrolled in a school. I believe that general education is a great asset to learn new interests. However I have often felt that my learning speed was halted by a program too strict and slow on specific topics I was interested in.


What would the world look like if everyone had the same level of personal freedom that you desire for yourself?


Do you believe absolute freedom can lead to absolute fairness?


How could the concepts of self-reliance and cooperation coexist in your vision of an ideal education system?


What are the potential benefits and risks of a currency system without central bank regulation?


How do you think people would manage the preservation of historical sites or natural wonders without government intervention?


What personal initiative would you undertake if you were guaranteed unrestricted freedom in choosing your career path?


In what ways would your approach to charity and philanthropy change if there were no governmental welfare programs?


How would emergency response systems operate in a community that relies solely on voluntary services?


What unique solutions to environmental challenges might arise in a society valuing personal initiative over regulation?


How might a typical day in your school change if there were no compulsory subjects and learning was entirely interest-driven?


How would you ensure equitable access to education in a system driven purely by personal choice and private funding?


Imagine a scenario where you could freely choose your health care provider with no insurance constraints; what would that look like?


What ethical dilemmas could arise in a society that prioritizes absolute personal autonomy?


How might your sense of community change if all social programs were privately operated and voluntary?


If you could create any type of business without needing any permits or following regulations, what would it be and why?


Without any government safety standards, how would you evaluate the safety of products you buy?


What would be your strategy for maintaining public order in a neighborhood without a police presence?


In an education system based purely on choice, what subjects do you think would be most popular, and why?


What would a job market without any labor laws look like, and how would it affect your career aspirations?


If all drugs were legalized, how do you think it would change society and the approach to health and safety?


How would a decrease in government services impact your plans for the future, such as college or career choices?


Without enforced laws, how do you think people would resolve disputes in everyday situations like traffic accidents?


What is one rule at your school or in your community that you would eliminate to increase personal freedom?


How would you personally contribute to the well-being of others in a world with no welfare state?


Do you think we could maintain a clean environment without regulations, just based on personal responsibility?


How might absolute freedom of speech affect the conversations we have in our schools and online?


If an action by one person doesn't harm another, should it be allowed, no matter what it is?


What financial freedoms are most important to you, and how would they shape your approach to saving and investment?


How would the responsibilities of parenting change in a society that emphasizes individual freedom for all ages?


What would be your strategy to ensure the wellbeing of the environment in a society that limits government intervention?


What personal changes would you make if there were no mandatory recycling or conservation laws?


Would a society based on the non-aggression principle appeal to you, and what might be its greatest challenge?


In a community with no police force, how would you envision maintaining safety and order?


Do you think happiness is more closely tied to personal freedom or social responsibility, and why?


What impacts might a fully privatized road system have on your commute or travel habits?


If there was no state-run health care, what alternative systems do you think could emerge?


Describe how you would approach conflict resolution in a society that values non-coercion and voluntary solutions.


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