Try the political quiz

196 Replies


In what ways do you think technology and social media influence pluralism in society today?




In what ways does celebrating cultural festivals from various ethnicities enrich or complicate your sense of community?

 @9HD9MZVfrom Ontario answered…7mos7MO

It allows us to open our horizons and become more informed, cultured and aware of the melting pot that we live in.

 @9HD9LF8from Ontario answered…7mos7MO


How could the inclusion of diverse historical narratives in education shape one's understanding of the world?

 @9L8Y99Jfrom Nova Scotia answered…3mos3MO

I think it would be nice to distribute bigger decisions to a wider variety of people


How might exposure to world cuisines at school lunches broaden students' cultural awareness?

 @9KM2MJ6from Alberta answered…4mos4MO

Exposure to other cultures, especially those that are positive, can contribute greatly to having positive perspectives with diversity. Food is ultimetly something positive, something that benefits, interest in other cultures may form with the experience and develop along with it.


How have you benefitted from learning a new perspective from someone with a different background than yours?

 @9KD8SGVfrom Alberta answered…4mos4MO

Being able to discuss differences in perspective in a healthy and productive way is best.


In what situations do you find it challenging to maintain an open mind, and how do you overcome this?

 @9HG2JN2from Nova Scotia answered…7mos7MO

Maintaining an open mind in the face of pluralism can be challenging in various situations, such as when confronted with conflicting moral viewpoints, diverse cultural practices, or competing political ideologies. Overcoming these challenges often requires a conscious effort to engage with and understand the perspectives of others. This can be achieved through active listening, empathy, and a willingness to critically examine one's own beliefs. Additionally, fostering constructive dialogue and seeking common ground can help navigate the complexities of pluralism. It's important to recognize that pluralism is not just about passive acceptance of diversity, but about active engagement and participation in order to build a more inclusive society


Can you share a time when you felt your voice was heard in a group, and why is that important in a diverse society?


How would you describe the pros and cons of a society where multiple beliefs coexist?


How can celebrating scientific and technological advancements from around the world in school inspire a global mindset in students?


Can you give an example of how experiencing art from different cultures can provide a broader perspective on life?


How has playing or watching a sport with a diverse group of people changed your understanding of teamwork?


How has a piece of advice from someone with a different background influenced your actions or beliefs?


How do you think having classmates from different backgrounds affects classroom discussions?


What has been your personal experience with the benefits or challenges of diverse opinions in your school?


Why do you think it's valuable to have friends who challenge your viewpoints?


Recall a time when learning about another culture's tradition changed how you celebrate your own; what was the impact?


How would you feel if your favorite social media platforms included more diverse views, and why?


Have you seen examples in your community where diversity led to better problem-solving, and can you describe one?


What personal experiences can you share where having a range of opinions led to a more fun or interesting activity?


To what extent does recognizing the accomplishments of athletes from all over the world impact sports culture?


Why is it crucial to consider a variety of lifestyle practices when discussing public health policies?


How does working with classmates from diverse backgrounds on a science project enrich the experience?


What valuable lesson did you learn from engaging with a sport or game that was completely new to you?


How does celebrating international days at school contribute to a global sense of belonging and understanding?


What can you learn about teamwork from observing a multicultural work environment, like a hospital or airport?


If you had to find a solution to an environmental issue, how would collaborating with peers from various backgrounds assist you?


How could playing team sports with diverse teammates teach you life lessons about cooperation and respect?


How might diverse representation in books and movies you enjoy impact your empathy for others?


How have your own cultural traditions influenced the way you celebrate mainstream holidays?


Why could understanding different healthcare practices globally lead to better community health strategies?


Why is it important for a community to support businesses owned by people from varied cultures?


Could learning multiple languages in school help encourage pluralistic thinking?


In what way might learning about historical conflicts from different cultural perspectives affect peace-building today?


What role can student-led forums play in fostering an inclusive environment for varied opinions?


Does having friends with different hobbies and interests challenge your own passions or enhance them?


How do mixed-background study groups enrich your education experience?


How can discussing a range of views on environmental issues bring us closer to sustainable solutions?


When have you felt included in a group that was very different from your own, and what did that teach you about community?


When have you witnessed or experienced the blending of different traditions, and what did it create?


How do you think the diversity within your own family experiences shapes your attitudes towards society?


Imagine a society without diversity of thought; what do you think would be lost in such a scenario?


What personal growth have you experienced as a result of working on a project with people whose abilities differ from yours?