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 @9GNVN2DConservative from British Columbia disagreed…6mos6MO

The police are a necessary institution. If we replace the police with unarmed community protectors, then armed criminals will have free reign over the community.

 @9GR3NMQfrom British Columbia agreed…6mos6MO

yes I agree, dont defund the police. If you do the crime rate will skyrocket and no one will be able to help.

 @9LN6DW2 from Quebec disagreed…1wk1W

If the police is defunded, there will be more crimes and more violence across the country. We should fund the police to ensure they are better trained to prevent abuse of power.

 @9JB4NGSfrom Nova Scotia disagreed…3mos3MO

That may be a bad idea because then the people resonding wouldn't have any authority and things could get bad quick.

 @9H5W9QHfrom Ontario disagreed…5mos5MO

we need police to protect us and the community won't do **** , we are all so stupid and act like pussies we will just sit and cry. keep police do not replace them.

 @9H4JBHGfrom Ontario disagreed…5mos5MO

Defunding the Police would create cities that are lawless and dangerous, in some cases police are needed more than non violent responders

 @9H2LSVDfrom British Columbia disagreed…5mos5MO

Any call can turn into a violent call very quickly and it is very important that the police always respond to any call wether it is violent or not as they are highly trained in defending themselves as well as socially. The police should not be defunded, if anthing funded more as they are what keeps society together.

 @9H2B3T5from Ontario disagreed…5mos5MO

its dumb because anything can happen peacefull or not you should be ready and be able to defend yourself. defunding the police is the dumbist thing ive seen just because there was one corrupt individual does mean all police are corrupt you need balance without balance its caos.

 @9H27VF2from Ontario disagreed…5mos5MO

Just because the call is non-violent doesn't mean it can't turn violent. It's better for the police to be armed just in case it's needed. Better to have it and not need it then need it and not have it.

 @9FQPQYVfrom Ontario disagreed…7mos7MO

Unarmed responders are more likely to be injured if a violent crime breaks out. We should increase police funding for training so they can precisely handle non-violent and violent crimes.

 @9FQP97QCommunistfrom Saskatchewan disagreed…7mos7MO

Police should be funded more and trained at a higher level, we aren’t ready as a society to allow a community based responder to a non-violent call, and it simply creates more dissolution. Community based responders could have tendencies to escalate situations and fail to find common ground, especially without training, as a community we should seek to help individuals in need, but we haven’t progressed to a stage to allow such organizations. We should focus on the root of crime, and limit corruption before disposing such tasks on a community as a whole.

 @9FBW4XQfrom Ontario disagreed…7mos7MO

Police are required to use proportionally appropriate force when responding. Defunding the police will allow violent criminals to flourish and the citizenry will then be forced to take the law into their own hands to protect their property and their person. Criminals disproportionately prey on unarmed community members; they can’t be expected to enforce legislation

 @9FBMFH6Conservativefrom Ontario disagreed…7mos7MO

If there are no armed Community res ponders and there is a shooting who is going to protect people during that time

 @9F83S57from British Columbia disagreed…8mos8MO

no because if police dont have any defense like taser pepper spray or gun they will not be feared and more likely to be attacked and disobeyed

 @9FDLFXTfrom Alberta disagreed…7mos7MO

If it turns violent throughout the interaction law enforcement needs too be able to defend themselves.


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