Try the political quiz

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 @Faenyxfrom Manitoba commented…3yrs3Y

NO. That is against the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and violates bodily autonomy. The government should have absolutely no say in what I do with my body, and should not be allowed to dictate our lives if we choose not to be a guinea pig. Vaccines are NOT proven effective, especially the covid vax (which is not even a vaccine. It is gene therapy), which is NOT proven effective, NOT fda approved (it is only being given because Trudeau is keeping us in a state of emergency. When he lifts the state, the shots can't be given until trials are over. The trials for the shots aren�…  Read more

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Last activeActivity3 discussionsInfluence1 engagementsEngagement bias48%Audience bias0%Active inPartyUndeclaredLocationWinnipeg, MB