Try the political quiz

192 Replies


Can you imagine a world where professions are not gendered, and how might that affect career choices?

 @9JDWHRVfrom Alberta  answered…11mos11MO

It shouldn’t rely on gender. We are all people capable of the things, hard work is hard work. Men are not smarter or stronger than women just for being a man.


What is one thing you would change about the way genders are portrayed in the media?

 @9JSB9LQfrom British Columbia  answered…11mos11MO

I would want everything to be portrayed the way it was in the 2000s era. Diverse, but traditional.


Can you share a moment when you realized that gender equality was an issue worth fighting for?

 @9HXQ8NWfrom Ontario  answered…12mos12MO

Iv'e always known that gender equality was important due to my mom being a feminist but also realizing that some states want to ban abortions.


Should gender equality initiatives prioritize certain areas, like education or healthcare, over others?

 @9HHG4RXfrom Ontario  answered…1yr1Y

In the context of "Radical Feminism," one may ponder whether gender equality initiatives should prioritize specific domains, such as education or healthcare, over others.


In the pursuit of gender equality, how do you balance the need for radical change with the potential disruption to societal norms?

 @9H5YTDJConservativefrom Ontario  answered…1yr1Y

I say that women need equal rights able to do what a man can do, but they have been crossing the line they now have the rights and need to stop it there


What role, if any, do you think men should play in supporting and promoting the goals of radical feminism?


How might societal expectations of gender roles impact someone's mental health, from your perspective?


What personal values motivate you to support or question the goals of gender equality?


Have you experienced or witnessed moments of solidarity across different genders in fighting for a common cause?


What particular aspect of gender inequality do you find most urgent to address today, and why?


How can we as individuals contribute to a culture that respects and promotes multiple forms of gender expression?


Reflect on when you first became aware of gender inequality; how has your understanding evolved since then?


What personal experiences have led you to your current beliefs about gender roles and equality?


Have you ever faced criticism for not conforming to traditional gender roles, and how did you handle it?


What do you envision as the ideal relationship between different genders in a transformed, equal society?


Can you imagine a world without gender labels, and what would that look like to you?


How has social media influenced your perspective on gender issues and feminism?


What actions would you consider radical in the fight for gender equality, and would you support them?


How do you reconcile the desire for gender equality with the preservation of cultural traditions that are gender-specific?


What would you say to someone who believes gender equality has already been achieved?


How do you feel your gender has shaped the way you navigate your daily life and interactions?


Have your personal relationships shaped your thoughts on the roles men and women play in society?


If you could address one form of discrimination that intersects with gender, what would it be?


How do depictions of gender in movies and TV shows you watch challenge or reinforce your beliefs about gender roles?


In what ways do you think your education has influenced your views on gender and feminism?


How would the absence of gender labels impact your future aspirations and dreams?


What change do you hope to see in your lifetime regarding gender equality, and how can it be achieved?


How could achieving gender equality benefit economic and social development in a country?


How does the fight for gender equality relate to your personal dreams and career goals?


Can you think of a book or article that transformed your understanding of gender roles, and what was its main message?


How does understanding the history of women's rights movements influence your perspective on current gender issues?


How do you balance respecting cultural traditions with advocating for progressive changes in gender roles?


How has an experience in your life influenced your views on the need for societal change to promote gender equality?


In light of current events, do you think movements aimed at drastic societal restructuring can peacefully coexist with existing institutions?


Is it possible to achieve true gender equality without radically transforming society?


Should radical feminism focus on women's issues exclusively, or also on other forms of oppression like racism and homophobia?


Is radical feminism's exclusion of certain groups, such as transgender women, justified in pursuit of its goals?


Would you support radical measures to dismantle patriarchal power, and why?


Does radical feminism risk going too far, potentially alienating people who support gender equality?


If you could change one societal norm that affects gender equality, what would it be and why?


How might your daily life change if traditional gender expectations were no longer relevant?


If you could create a social movement to address gender inequality, what would be its main focus?


What influence do you think celebrities and influencers should have when advocating for gender equality?


If you were to explain the concept of gender equality to someone from a different culture, how would you approach it?


In which areas of life do you think gender equality has the most room for improvement, and why?


How could your community benefit from a greater focus on gender inclusivity?


What is one question you'd like to ask someone of a different gender about their life experiences?


Can you describe a situation where you saw gender roles being defied, and what impact did it have on you?


If you had the power to make one immediate change to promote gender equity, what would it be?


When discussing gender equality, what's a perspective you've heard that made you think differently?