Try the political quiz

172 Replies


What emotions do you feel when discussing your privacy rights with others who may not value them?

 @9KJX2DXConservativefrom Ontario answered…4mos4MO

why would discuss it with someone if they dont respect them if they dont respect mine i wont respect theres fair as thata


If you were to create a social media platform, how would you incorporate privacy protections for your users?

 @9JCPMTBfrom British Columbia answered…5mos5MO


If you found out your favorite app sells user data, would you continue using it and why?

 @9HRP7PTfrom Nova Scotia answered…6mos6MO


When you post on social media, do you consider who might see it years from now, and does that change what you share?


Would you ever consider using an alias online, and what would be your reasons for doing so?


Would you consider moving to another country with stricter privacy laws, and why?


How does the cultivation of a personal ‘brand’ on social media clash with your privacy ideals?


How might your use of technology evolve if you knew your data was no longer yours alone?


What do you consider when deciding whether or not to accept ‘cookies’ on a website?


Would you ever use a pseudonym for privacy reasons, and in what context?


Would you openly share your political beliefs online, or do you consider that private?


How do real-world privacy concerns manifest in your daily life, outside of the internet?


What does leaving no digital footprint mean to you, and is it something you strive for?


If a trusted friend shared a secret of yours online, how would you handle the breach of trust?


How might your online interactions differ if you knew they could be read in a future job interview?


What kinds of personal achievements or struggles do you feel are too private to share publicly?


In what ways has your understanding of digital footprints influenced the information you share on platforms or forums?


How does the notion that 'if you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear' resonate with you in the privacy debate?


Can you describe a scenario where the collective benefits of data sharing might outweigh personal privacy concerns?


Would the perception of your peers change if they knew everything you searched for online?


How does your cultural background or personal experiences shape your views on the importance of privacy?


Why might someone choose to live off the grid, and could you see yourself ever doing it?


If you learned your conversation was secretly recorded, how would this affect your sense of security and trust?


What emotions surface when you think about the possibility of your online activities being tracked?


How would you balance your personal privacy against the benefits of today's location-based services?


How does the potential risk of having your identity stolen online change the way you use the internet?


How important is it to you that your educational records remain private, and do you think there are instances where they should be shared?


Would you prefer a future with more powerful personal privacy laws but potentially more government regulation, and why?


What’s your stance on peer-to-peer encrypted messaging – safety concern or privacy necessity?


How has the rise of digital assistants like Siri and Alexa influenced your thoughts on privacy in your own home?


When you hear that companies collect data 'to improve services,' what's your immediate reaction and why?


How do you feel about sharing your location with apps on your phone; is it a fair trade-off for the services they provide?


In what ways do you try to maintain your privacy when using technology that seems to know everything about us?


What would a perfect balance between online connectivity and personal privacy look like for you?


Could you imagine a life without any electronic devices to ensure your privacy, and what would that look like for you?


Do privacy concerns influence your decision to wear devices like fitness trackers that monitor personal data?


What are your thoughts on anonymous browsing and communication tools like VPNs and encrypted messaging?


How would you personally define the boundary between public interest and personal privacy?


What's more important to you: The convenience of smart devices in the home or the potential sacrifice of privacy?


How do you feel about cameras in public places: are they for safety or an invasion of privacy?


Do you believe parents should monitor their children's online activities, and where would you draw the line?


Can you share a time when you felt your privacy was violated, and how did that experience affect you?


Do you think seeking privacy makes someone appear suspicious, and why would it be perceived that way?


How do you protect your personal information from being exposed online?


How comfortable are you with the amount of information social media platforms know about you?


Should individuals have the right to be forgotten online, essentially erasing their digital footprint?


Is absolute privacy possible in today's world, and do you think it's necessary for a healthy society?