Try the political quiz

185 Replies


Should environmental protection be the responsibility of the government, businesses, or individuals?

 @9H56HL6from Ontario answered…6mos6MO

all of us it takes more than one person or thing to be responsible for the environment

 @9H55HB6Liberalfrom Ontario answered…6mos6MO

"Eco-Capitalism" suggests an intersection between environmental concerns and capitalist principles. Regarding the responsibility for environmental protection, the argument often revolves around a shared responsibility among the government, businesses, and individuals.

 @9H56SMQLiberalfrom Ontario answered…6mos6MO

Yes, environmental protection be the responsibility of the government, businesses, or individuals because those are the only people taking part in environmental danger and we need to be responsible and leave the earth better than when we came on


How do you feel when you reuse an item instead of throwing it away, and why do you think that is?

 @9JRZ9GXConservativefrom Ontario answered…4mos4MO

i would rather reuse something because then it saves trash from getting into the ocean or being burnt and releasing co2 into the sky

 @9JRZ8ZGfrom Ontario answered…4mos4MO

I think its good to limit waste. Cause it's better for the environment.


Why might it be difficult for someone living in a busy city to adopt a lifestyle that's beneficial to the environment?

 @9J7RKCTfrom Alberta answered…4mos4MO

Where we live it’s not always sustainable to do so. I do think more awareness about the small things that people can do is important.


Can you think of a time when a sustainable choice ended up being more convenient or beneficial than the traditional option?

 @9KZWTHZfrom Ontario answered…2mos2MO

A time when the more sustanable choice ended up being the more convenient option is when I take the bus to school instead of getting a sepert ride.


How would you persuade someone who is not environmentally conscious to care about sustainable practices?

 @9HHQ4GJRhinocerosfrom Alberta answered…6mos6MO

ayo man, we cutting down more trees than planting. We will lose oxygen and die.


Can you think of an example where protecting the environment also led to economic opportunities in your community?


Why do you think some people are hesitant to adopt eco-friendly habits, and how can they be gently encouraged to change?


When have you felt most empowered to make a positive environmental change?


How do you think depictions of nature in media and art influence our environmental values?


What kind of green initiatives would you like to see more businesses adopt?


Describe a moment when you felt connected to nature, and how that affects your eco-friendly habits.


In what ways can young voices be most influential in promoting ecological awareness?


What's one 'green' habit you're proud of, and how did you develop it?


When you educate others about the environment, which approach do you find most effective?


What do you feel when you successfully persuade someone to join an environmental cause?


How does being eco-conscious alter your views on holiday celebrations and traditions?


What does 'responsible consumption' mean to you, and how do you put it into practice?


What local environmental issue do you feel you could have a personal impact on, and how would you start?


How does thinking about the lifespan of the products you use affect your purchasing decisions?


When was the last time you were pleasantly surprised by a company's sustainability initiative?


What's a skill you think everyone should learn that could benefit the environment?


Describe a choice you've made for environmental reasons that also improved your quality of life.


In what ways have you felt empowered or discouraged by society to make eco-friendly choices?


How does the pursuit of a 'greener' lifestyle change your perspective on wealth and success?


What’s a common environmental problem in your community that you can help solve, and how would you go about it?


If there was an app to track your environmental impact, what features would you want it to have?


What’s one unexpected benefit of living a more eco-conscious lifestyle that you've discovered?


What renewable resource fascinates you the most, and how do you think it could be better utilized?


How would you address the misconception that individual actions don't matter in the fight against climate change?


What's one personal experience that highlighted the negative effects of consumerism on the environment?


Why is it sometimes hard to prioritize environmental health over convenience, and how can we change that mindset?


In what creative ways can we repurpose items we typically discard, to give them a second life?


What actions do you think younger generations should take to promote sustainability that older generations might have overlooked?


How might peer pressure positively or negatively affect someone's environmental choices?


Have you considered the environmental impact of your digital consumption and what steps could you take to reduce it?


What's one myth about environmental sustainability you'd like to debunk, and what truth would you replace it with?


How does sustainable living influence your thoughts on career choices or the industries you support?


When you think of 'green living', what's the first image that comes to your mind, and why do you think that is?


Do you believe that small everyday green actions can lead to significant change, and can you cite examples?


If you could educate people about one environmental issue, which would it be and why?


What environmentally friendly invention do you wish existed to help with a common problem?


In what ways do you think green spaces like parks contribute to your community beyond just environmental benefits?