Try the political quiz

228 Replies


When companies make donations to social causes, in what ways does that action influence your perception of their overall brand?

 @9LGM4HKfrom Saskatchewan answered…3mos3MO

It doesn't change my opinion on them that much if it's for what I see as good causes as it can feel proformative rather than them actually being interested in the issue. If said company donated to charities and organizations that I feel harm others and possibly push for what I would consider a violation of their human rights I perception of them would turn negative.


What could be the role of technology and social media in advocating for humanistic capitalism?

 @9L4XKWXfrom Ontario answered…3mos3MO

The role of technology and social media could help with providing credible information to all citizens, and help expose corruption about certain issues that do not promote the common good for all citizens.


What kind of positive changes do you think would come from consumers demanding ethical practices from every purchase they make?

 @9KSD8RJLiberalfrom British Columbia answered…4mos4MO

no deals with sweatshops overseas. Ensure they have better working conditions for all.


How can highlighting the human stories behind products encourage consumers to support ethical businesses?

 @9LCJSMSfrom Ontario answered…3mos3MO

If companies highlight the human stories behind products and put worker rights above making money, this would encourage consumers to support them greater, especially when they feel that their money is being used to help take of other people.


How has a company's values or ethics influenced a purchase you've made recently?


To what extent should a business sacrifice profits to engage in ethical practices or improve worker conditions?

 @9HQ2HYZfrom Ontario answered…6mos6MO

A business should be willing to sacrifice at least 10% of all profits, ideally even more.


How would workplaces change if empathy and care for employees were as important as meeting targets?

 @9HFN5DTfrom Nova Scotia answered…7mos7MO

Workplaces would probably promote employee well-being and create a friendly environment within a humanistic capitalism paradigm. In order to boost productivity and job happiness, leaders may place a strong emphasis on professional growth, work-life balance, and mental wellness. Decision-making processes may benefit greatly from employee input, fostering a culture of inclusivity and cooperation.


If you were to start a business, how would you ensure it benefits both your customers and society?

 @9HFMR7Mfrom Ontario answered…7mos7MO

Make sure that is diverse and uses renewable resources and takes care of everyone.


In what ways do you think companies should be held accountable for their impact on society and the environment?

 @9HDV9WYfrom Alberta answered…7mos7MO

they should have no worries with the impact on society, i believe the government should be in control of that and if the company wanted to they could try and make it beneficial


Would you work for a company with high pay but poor ethics, or would you choose less pay at a more ethical company?


Should the government ban its citizens from using cross-border payment methods (like crypto) to send money to relatives in OFAC sanctioned countries (Palestine, Iran, Cuba, Venezuela, Russia, and North Korea)?


Imagine you are advising a friend on ethical spending; what would be your top suggestion for making a positive impact?


What actions have you taken, or would you be willing to take, to support business models that put humans before profits?


Can you think of a creative initiative that might incentivize companies to adopt more ethical practices?


What would you do if you found out your favorite product was produced unethically?


When selecting a job or internship, how important is the company’s social and environmental responsibility to you?


Describe a time when a brand’s ethical misconduct affected you personally; did it change how you viewed the brand?


How does a company taking genuine steps toward sustainability influence your purchasing decisions?


Which ethical business practice do you most frequently discuss or advocate for among your friends?


Why is it significant for businesses to promote more than just their products, but also the values and ethics behind them?


What's a company that hasn't adopted humanistic capitalism practices but you wish would, and why?


Why is it important for businesses to consider the long-term impact of their decisions on society and the environment?


If you started a business, how would you measure its success beyond financial gain?


How do you think a commitment to diversity and inclusion can impact a company's culture and success?


How can we, as individuals, contribute to a culture that celebrates companies caring for their employees as much as their profits?


If you could speak directly to a CEO, what personal experiences would you share to promote the importance of ethical practices?


In your experience, how does knowing the story behind a product change your perception of it?


Have you ever felt more loyal to a brand because you knew about its ethical labor practices?


Do you think that workers' happiness can affect the success of a business, and in what ways?


How does it make you feel when you hear about companies that give back to their communities?


If you were an entrepreneur, what ethical principle would be non-negotiable in your business plan?


Have you ever chosen one brand over another because of its commitment to social causes, and what impact did that have on your decision?


How would you describe a future where businesses prioritize ethical behavior?


What personal values would you want a business you support to reflect, and why?


How do you think your community could benefit from businesses that practice humanistic capitalism?


What does a world where businesses invest in people as much as in products look like to you?


Have you ever been inspired by a business leader's commitment to society, and how did that influence you?


Can you recall a time when buying something made you feel like you contributed to a better society?


How would you feel if the sneakers you wear became a symbol of positive change in the world?


Why do you think honesty and transparency in business might be more attractive to customers than low prices?


Would you join a club at school that focused on promoting ethical consumerism, and why?


Have you ever felt proud of a company for taking a stand on an issue, and what was the issue?