Try the political quiz

7 Replies

 @9H5X839from Ontario  commented…1yr1Y

I feel that if we're not careful AI could develop to a point where we no longer have freedom and rights and should be heavily regulated and checked.

 @9H5WG4Dfrom Ontario  commented…1yr1Y

I don't like the use of A.I., I think its dangerous and will be used for crimes.


How would you feel if a machine had the power to decide whether a person should live or die in war?

 @9H5YXLBfrom Ontario  answered…1yr1Y

I feel as if A.I shouldn't be in charge of a person living or dying in a war with It having little to no morals for any living being.


Can a robot understand the value of human life, and if not, should they hold the power to take it?


If an AI-controlled drone wrongfully killed someone, who should be held responsible?


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