Try the political quiz

10 Replies


Should personal privacy or national security be prioritized when they come into conflict?

 @9KZWXBWfrom Ontario commented…4mos4MO

national secruity should be prioitised because its more valuble than one person

 @9KZJZ54Bloc Québécoisfrom Ontario commented…4mos4MO

 @9KZD769from Ontario commented…4mos4MO

personal privacy should be prioritized because of our Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.


How would you feel if you were barred from flying without clear reason and how should society respond?

 @9KZ89L5from Nova Scotia commented…4mos4MO


How does the idea of a 'no-fly list' affect your perception of individual freedoms versus collective safety?

 @9KZM97SConservativefrom Ontario commented…4mos4MO

A no fly list is important as it highlights potential threats entering the air and it keeps the others safe.


Do you believe the government has the right to restrict someone's movement based on secret evidence?