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 @B29BM44from Ontario  answered…57mins57m

Yes but I also think there needs to be better sex education in schools. This should also depend on your income

 @B29BM44from Ontario  answered…57mins57m

I think people who are working and still have trouble making ends meet should receive support, I think people with certain illnesses, students as long as your c…

 @B29BM44from Ontario  answered…2hrs2H

Humanitarian aid, and training. We have no obligation to fund this country while Canadians are suffering at home.

 @B299V9Wfrom Ontario  answered…2hrs2H

The government research regarding health care is too corrupt and tied with psychopathic CDC and big Pharma.

 @B299T9Pfrom Newfoundland  answered…2hrs2H

More if people are able to afford it they should be given that chance but this should not impact public access and quality services.