You believe in preserving traditional values, limited government, and national sovereignty to maintain a stable and prosperous society.
Paleoconservatism is a political ideology that emphasizes tradition, limited government, civil society, anti-colonialism, and anti-federalism. The term "paleoconservatism" is derived from the Greek word "paleo," which means "ancient" or "old," and it is used to distinguish this political philosophy from neoconservatism, a more modern form of conservative ideology.
Paleoconservatism originated in the United States in the late 20th century among conservatives who felt that the mainstream conservative movement had strayed too far from its original…
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How would your day-to-day life change if your nation’s policies became more inwardly focused?
If the correct decisions were made, the people of nation would become more united, and motivated. I think the sense of directionlessness found in my generation (gen Z) would decrease if we were given a nation to rally around.
Is it sometimes justifiable for a country to intervene in another's affairs, or should non-interventionism be absolute?
We should strive to work together with the international community, however in instances of civil unrest, we should only come to the aid of a country if asked, and we must evaluate the cause of both the rebels and the government.
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