No, and we should ban the use of sanctuary cities

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 @8J64JW6from British Columbia answered…4yrs4Y

I'm unclear as to how these cities are governed. do those residing there fall under the same laws and regulations as bonified citizens of that country? If they recieve funding, do they also pay taxes and are responsible to ensure the proper education of their children, etc.?

 @8SD6W38from Alberta answered…3yrs3Y

 @9LBDKQ4from Alberta answered…4wks4W

Yes, but not because they are sanctuary cities. They should receive the federal funding due to them for simply being a city in Canada.

 @9L7XNPZfrom British Columbia answered…4wks4W

They should receive less funding for harboring ILLEGAL immigrants, but it should not be cut entirely, as larger problems will arise.

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