
Tracy Calogheros’ policies on foreign policy issues

These issues below are sorted in descending order based on how important the average Canadian voter ranked them on the quiz.


外交政策  ›  义务兵役


  Party’s support base

外交政策  ›  联合国


TC>TC  Tracy Calogheros voterbase是的

外交政策  ›  外国选举


  Party’s support base

外交政策  ›  Taliban Financial Aid

Should the World Bank and International Monetary Fund provide financial aid to the Taliban government in Afghanistan?

  Party’s support base

外交政策  ›  Israel Boycott

Should it be illegal to join a boycott of Israel?

  Party’s support base

外交政策  ›  Ukrainian Defense Funding

Should Canada provide military supplies and funding to Ukraine?

  Party’s support base是的

外交政策  ›  乌克兰

Should the U.S. and NATO use military forces to defend Ukraine from a Russian invasion?

  Party’s support base是的

外交政策  ›  Ukraine and Nato

Should Ukraine join NATO?

  Party’s support base是的

外交政策  ›  法案C-51

你是否支持条例草案 C-51,扩大当地警察和情报机构的权力,来阻止恐怖主义?

TC>TC  Tracy Calogheros voterbase是的

外交政策  ›  外国援助


  Party’s support base减少,我们不应该给任何国家对外援助

外交政策  ›  军费支出


  Party’s support base增加,但是只能在我们的赤字得到大幅减少之后

外交政策  ›  Hong Kong Fugitive Extradition

Should the Chinese government be able to extradite fugitives from Hong Kong?

  Party’s support base

外交政策  ›  Venezuela Sanctions

Should the government lift sanctions on the Venezuelan government?

  Party’s support base