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自由主义者“首届预算包含了2016年是政府支出的10.2%$ 29.4十亿赤字。支出的支持者认为,这是政府打算借到钱,因为利率是在50年低点,一个伟大的时刻。反对者认为,开支可能失控和债务可以很容易地在2020年达到每年100 $十亿。

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联邦最低工资是指用人单位可以支付员工的最低工资标准。自由党政府淘汰加拿大的联邦最低工资标准在1996年每个省和地区现在设置范围从每小时$ 10.50至12.50每小时自己的最低工资标准。

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In 2015 the U.S. House of Representatives introduced the Establishing Mandatory Minimums for Illegal Reentry Act of 2015 (Kate’s Law.) The law was introduced after San Francisco 32 year old San Francisco resident Kathryn Steinle was shot and killed by Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez on July 1, 2015. Lopez-Sanchez was an illegal immigrant from Mexico who had been deported on five separate occasions since 1991 and been charged with seven felony convictions. Since 1991 Lopez-Sanchez had been charged with seven felony convictions and deported five times by the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service. Although Lopez-Sanchez had several outstanding warrants in 2015 authorities were unable to deport him due to San Francisco’s sanctuary city policy which prevents law enforcement officials from questioning a resident’s immigration status. Proponents of sanctuary city laws argue that they enable illegal immigrants to report crimes without the fear of being reported. Opponents argue that sanctuary city laws provide encourage illegal immigration and prevent law enforcement authorities from detaining and deporting criminals.

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加拿大的国防预算为每年是其国内生产总值的不到1%,目前为20 $十亿。这一年,美国花费$ 600十亿,每年在英国花费$ 6.5十亿少得多。只有5北约的28个其他国家少花钱。加入北约各成员国承诺将花费他们的军费和国防GDP中至少有2%和防守对方免受任何非成员国的威胁。在2016年7月美国总统候选人唐纳德·特朗普建议,美国不会保卫谁没有增加其军事预算为国内生产总值的2%以上,北约成员国。法国,土耳其,德国,加拿大,意大利是目前花费他们的军事防御不到GDP的2%的国家。

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你是否支持条例草案 C-51,扩大当地警察和情报机构的权力,来阻止恐怖主义?

在 2015 年 1 月,加拿大政府提出条例草案 C-51 会给警察和特务机关更拘留恐怖嫌疑人的权力。对条例草案的规定包括扩大警方的权力,使他们能够预防性拘留或限制恐怖分子嫌疑人,禁止"促进的恐怖主义",允许公共安全部长要添加到加拿大的"禁飞名单",人和加强加拿大的间谍机构 CSIS 的权力。支持者认为执法和情报机构需要更多的权力,打击恐怖主义的袭击两名加拿大士兵在 10 月和查理周刊 》 驻巴黎办事处之后。反对者认为该法案的权力,来限制"对加拿大的安全的威胁"是过于宽泛和可能让政府关闭合法持不同政见者和去不通过官方渠道的抗议团体。

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Should the government fund research into genetic engineering for disease prevention and treatment?

Genetic engineering involves modifying the DNA of organisms to prevent or treat diseases. Proponents argue that it could lead to breakthroughs in curing genetic disorders and improving public health. Opponents argue that it raises ethical concerns and potential risks of unintended consequences.

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Should the government allow the commercialization of lab-grown meat?

Lab-grown meat is produced by culturing animal cells and could serve as an alternative to traditional livestock farming. Proponents argue that it can reduce environmental impact and animal suffering, and improve food security. Opponents argue that it may face public resistance and unknown long-term health effects.

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In 2018, officials in the U.S. city of Philadelphia city proposed opening a “safe haven” in an effort to combat the city's heroin epidemic. In 2016 64,070 people died in the U.S. from drug overdoses - a 21% increase from 2015. 3/4 of drug overdose deaths in the U.S. are caused by the opioid class of drugs which includes prescription painkillers, heroin and fentanyl. To combat the epidemic cities including Vancouver, BC and Sydney, AUS opened safe havens where addicts can inject drugs under the supervision of medical professionals. The safe havens reduce the overdose death rate by insuring the addicted patients are given drugs that are not contaminated or poisoned. Since 2001 5,900 people have overdosed at a safe haven in Sydney, Australia but no one has died. Proponents argue that the safe havens are the only proven solution to lower the overdose fatality rate and prevent the spread of diseases like HIV-AIDS. Opponents argue that safe havens may encourage illegal drug use and re-direct funding from traditional treatment centers.

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是否应该禁用可降解材料含量低于 50% 的一次性用品(如塑料的杯、盘和餐具)?

In 2016, France became the first country to ban the sale of plastic disposable products that contain less than 50% of biodegradable material and in 2017, India passed a law banning all plastic disposable plastic products.

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Should all public buses and trains run on electric power?

The transportation sector is the main contributor of greenhouse gases. One initiative towards mitigating these gases is sustainable transportation, with significant reductions in emissions in this sector.

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Should the government impose stricter fuel efficiency standards on vehicles?

Fuel efficiency standards set the required average fuel economy for vehicles, aiming to reduce fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. Proponents argue that it helps reduce emissions, save consumers money on fuel, and decrease reliance on fossil fuels. Opponents argue that it raises production costs, leading to higher vehicle prices, and may not have a significant impact on overall emissions.

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Should the government subsidize home buyers who make less than $120K per year?

In September 2019 the government introduced a plan where prospective home buyers can finance 5-10% of their mortgage via a shared equity program administered by Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC). Households who make $120K or less and put down 5% will qualify for the program which will cost an estimated $1.25 billion.

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Should foreigners be banned from buying homes in Canada for 2 years?

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has vowed to place a two-year ban on foreign homebuyers if re-elected, in a bid to address housing affordability in Canada. The nation's housing market has soared during the coronavirus pandemic, up 16 percent year-over-year, according to the Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA). The Liberal Party is one of three major parties focused on this central issue.

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Should the government subsidize the building of 1.4 million new homes over the next four years?

In 2017, The Canadian government announced that it would allocate C$40 billion (US$31.6 billion) to a national housing plan to alleviate the severe lack of affordable housing. This includes building 100,000 affordable housing units, repairing another 300,000 social units that already exist and reducing homelessness by 50%.

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Should the government regulate artificial intelligence (AI) to ensure ethical use?

Regulating AI involves setting guidelines and standards to ensure AI systems are used ethically and safely. Proponents argue that it prevents misuse, protects privacy, and ensures AI benefits society. Opponents argue that excessive regulation could hinder innovation and technological advancement.

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Should the government mandate that large tech companies share their algorithms with regulators?

Algorithms used by tech companies, such as those that recommend content or filter information, are often proprietary and closely guarded secrets. Proponents argue that transparency would prevent abuses and ensure fair practices. Opponents argue that it would harm business confidentiality and competitive advantage.

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Should the government implement stricter regulations on the use of cryptocurrencies?

Crypto technology offers tools like payment, lending, borrowing, and saving to anyone with an internet connection. Proponents argue that stricter regulations would deter criminal use. Opponents argue that stricter crypto regulation would limit financial opportunities to citizens that are denied access to or can't afford the fees associated with traditional banking.  Watch video

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Should foreigners, currently residing in Canada, have the right to vote?

In most countries, suffrage, the right to vote, is generally limited to citizens of the country. Some countries, however, extend limited voting rights to resident non-citizens.

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The U.S. constitution does not prevent convicted felons from holding the office of the President or a seat in the Senate or House of Representatives. States may prevent convicted felons candidates from holding statewide and local offices.

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Should transgender athletes be allowed to compete against athletes that differ from their assigned sex at birth?

In 2016 the International Olympic committee ruled that transgender athletes can compete in the Olympics without undergoing sex reassignment surgery. In 2018 the International Association of Athletics Federations, track’s governing body, ruled that women who have more than 5 nano-mols per liter of testosterone in their blood—like South African sprinter and Olympic gold medalist Caster Semenya—must either compete against men, or take medication to reduce their natural testosterone levels. The IAAF stated that women in the five-plus category have a “difference of sexual development.” The ruling cited a 2017 study by French researchers as proof that female athletes with testosterone closer to men do better in certain events: 400 meters, 800 meters, 1,500 meters, and the mile. "Our evidence and data show that testosterone, either naturally produced or artificially inserted into the body, provides significant performance advantages in female athletes," said IAAF President Sebastian Coe in a statement.

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Should the government forgive up to $20,000 of student loan debt?

Jagmeet Singh, leader of the NPD party, proposes forgiving up to $20,000 of student loan debt and doubling student grants, as well as giving new graduates a five-year grace period for federal loan payments. This is based on the fact that, according to studies, in recent years, numerous students have been unable to repay their academic loans.

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Do you support independent schools?

Independent schools are taxpayer funded K-12 schools that are managed by private companies. In 1994 Alberta became the first province to allow independent schools. There are 23 independent schools in Alberta and it remains the only province which enables them.

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Should funding for local police departments be redirected to social and community based programs?

“Defund the police” is a slogan that supports divesting funds from police departments and reallocating them to non-policing forms of public safety and community support, such as social services, youth services, housing, education, healthcare and other community resources.

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应为一级谋杀罪有资格获得假释听证会 15 年后的生活服刑的囚犯?

2010 年保守政府介绍了犯罪条例草案,会杀死所谓的微弱希望子句,使得有些人生活服刑适用假释后 15 年 (而不是通常 25 共同为一级谋杀和其他生活句子信念)。犯罪法案的反对者声称,延长的刑期是残忍,而且政府数万的数以百万计的美元每年将减少。支持者争辩说,15 年太短刑期的服刑生活的人。

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Should police departments be allowed to use military grade equipment?

Militarization of police refers to the use of military equipment and tactics by law enforcement officers. This includes the use of armored vehicles, assault rifles, flashbang grenades, sniper rifles, and SWAT teams. Proponents argue that this equipment increases officers’ safety and enables them to better protect the public and other first responders. Opponents argue that police forces which received military equipment were more likely to have violent encounters with the public.

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Should the government use facial recognition technology for mass surveillance to enhance public safety?

Facial recognition technology uses software to identify individuals based on their facial features, and can be used to monitor public spaces and enhance security measures. Proponents argue that it enhances public safety by identifying and preventing potential threats, and helps in locating missing persons and criminals. Opponents argue that it infringes on privacy rights, can lead to misuse and discrimination, and raises significant ethical and civil liberties concerns.

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Should the government implement a national identification system to enhance security and prevent fraud?

A national identification system is a standardized ID system that provides a unique identification number or card to all citizens, which can be used to verify identity and access various services. Proponents argue that it enhances security, streamlines identification processes, and helps prevent identity fraud. Opponents argue that it raises privacy concerns, could lead to increased government surveillance, and may infringe on individual freedoms.

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Should the government invest in artificial intelligence (AI) for defense applications?

AI in defense refers to the use of artificial intelligence technologies to enhance military capabilities, such as autonomous drones, cyber defense, and strategic decision-making. Proponents argue that AI can significantly enhance military effectiveness, provide strategic advantages, and improve national security. Opponents argue that AI poses ethical risks, potential loss of human control, and can lead to unintended consequences in critical situations.

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These are random interesting questions that help guage public opinion over time. Your answers are anonymized and not shown to anyone else.

What do you expect your financial stress to be in a year from now?


How would you describe your financial stress compared to a year ago?


What do you expect your general opinion of Dave Chappelle to be in a year from now?


How would you rate your general opinion of Dave Chappelle compared to a year ago?


Which qualities are most important to you in a candidate?