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 @9FLYRDDPeople’sfrom Ontario disagreed…7mos7MO

they prevent other culture from marrying them and I believe Canada is trying it best to prevent racism and rather improve freedom .

 @9FKTTJVfrom Alberta disagreed…7mos7MO

I believe that a more stringent background check is required for those entering the country from high rick countries. If they are clean there should be no resistance to this request.

 @992CZMGfrom Ontario commented…1yr1Y

I understand where you're coming from, but I believe that it's not fair to categorize individuals based on their country of origin. This approach can perpetuate harmful stereotypes and unfairly impact law-abiding citizens who are seeking a better life. Instead, the government should focus on improving its screening processes for all individuals, regardless of their background, to ensure the safety and security of our country. This way, individuals can be evaluated based on their own actions and not on pre-existing biases.

 @95GYDX2from British Columbia disagreed…2yrs2Y

ban immigrants from “high risk” countries

"high risk" countries. you mean countries with muslims. when will you ignorant people realize that there are terrorists in every faith.


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