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171 Replies


same sex marriage is down right wrong. if you think it is okay to do your opinions are worth nothing.

 @9ZHBQHXfrom Manitoba  disagreed…2wks2W

#1 Informed Gay Marriage

Why? You fail to provide ANY sort of proof for your argument, you just made a statement.

 @8DMWLTNfrom British Columbia  answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, of course, but acknowledge that this is not the most pressing issue faced by LGBT communities

 @8C5STPWfrom British Columbia  answered…4yrs4Y

Same-sex marriage is already legal nationwide and should be treated as a human right rather than a privilege that can be denied.

 @8QBHW7Cfrom Manitoba  answered…4yrs4Y

 @9V2ZXQHfrom Ontario  answered…3mos3MO

i think its wrong in my opinion its not how the world was meant to be made as it is not how it should be and never should have been

 @8GYDPCFfrom British Columbia  answered…4yrs4Y

 @9WGXHQLfrom Ontario  answered…2mos2MO

I think you get married to the person you love even if it´s the same sex or not. If you love them then you should not care what other people think about you.

 @9F7SL3LLiberalfrom Ontario  answered…1yr1Y

No same-sex marriage should never be allowed because it's not right and when they can't have kids or they can create diseases by doing things

 @9ZHBQHXfrom Manitoba  commented…2wks2W

 @9QQGGVKLiberalfrom Ontario  answered…6mos6MO

Same sex marriage is a twisted and entirely wrong action that can negatively affect future generations.

 @968PG6Kfrom Alberta  answered…2yrs2Y

 @9F5KMPVfrom Alberta  answered…1yr1Y

Same sex marriage is morally equivalent to opposite sex marriage. It's none of the government business the gender of a couple getting married. I support marriage. Marriage can be between any two consenting adults, a man and a man, a woman and a woman , a man and a woman, a genderfluid and a woman, a enby and a man. Not allowing queer marriage is discriminatory.

 @9MJ49G9Liberalfrom Saskatchewan  answered…7mos7MO

I believe that we live in a fallen world. I do not believe same-sex marriage should happen, although I believe that everyone has free will and chooses for themselves what to do. I believe that same-sex marriage is not how God designed it to be in His perfect plan.

 @8QKZFDZfrom Alberta  answered…4yrs4Y

 @9GF3PPVfrom Ontario  answered…1yr1Y

Same sex couples need to have more rights regarding their identity and have to pay less taxes! They also need to be protected by the government against any discrimination and homophobic people! I also value marriage between them and think that they need to have the same marriage rights as hetrosexuals!

  @9ZJ8HS7Conservativefrom Saskatchewan  disagreed…1mo1MO


Ah yes, the Satan-filled and brainwashed deserves to have no taxes and an entire mob of police to protect them from someone who dares to commit the disgusting atrocity of disagree with them. Look how far we've come as a society! Progress!

 @9M554FPfrom Manitoba  answered…8mos8MO

I don't support it but it shouldn't be illegal, and LGBTQ shouldn't be shoved down other people's throats, same thing vice versa

 @9M2277Rfrom Ontario  answered…8mos8MO

My religion does not support same sex marriage so I would be against it. Ultimately It does not concern me what people do with their lives so I genuinely would not care either way.

 @9JWL8D6Conservativefrom Ontario  answered…10mos10MO

Legally the government should not have any control over marriage but churches and the regular meaning of marriage is with man and women.

 @9B5QPTLfrom Saskatchewan  answered…2yrs2Y

 @9FSLGWYfrom Ontario  answered…1yr1Y

Well even though I don't neccesarily think it's a good thing for society and will have a impactful future on the future generations I think real muslims, real christians and real jews should have the right to refuse and protest against lgbt completely just as modern lgbt protests and even mockes religion.

 @9KLW5CWfrom Alberta  answered…10mos10MO

Same sex marriage should have nothing to do with any institution, it is between those getting married and that is it.

 @8VYHFVLfrom Ontario  answered…3yrs3Y

I personally do not care if people of the same sex get married, it does not affect my personal life what so ever therefore I will respect the decisions of those who decide to.

 @8YLYMX6from Ontario  answered…3yrs3Y

 @8SCVY6Tfrom British Columbia  answered…4yrs4Y

Take the government out of marriage and instead make it a decision between two people

 @8R32NKWfrom Ontario  answered…4yrs4Y

yes, people should be allowed to marry whether they are the same gender or not

 @9H4KM54from Alberta  answered…1yr1Y

Same sex marriage is wrong, I am tired of pride and anything to do with lbgtq, I don't want to see the rainbow flag anymore or rainbow crosswalks. The rainbow belongs to God not homosexuals. Tired of having the issue shoved in my face on television radio. Homosexuals should not be allowed to have children. There should be a mom and dad in the home so children a good upbringing

 @8Q2TQ74from Ontario  answered…4yrs4Y

I don't support the legalization of same sex marriage. However, I don't judge those who do.

 @9VLLTX6from Saskatchewan  answered…2mos2MO

I don't really care what people do ! I just think a man and a women should be together in my opinoin

 @9VY8XFTfrom British Columbia  answered…2mos2MO

This is a normality in every day society, so to-reverse gay marriage would be moving backwards, I feel the question is no longer relevant.

 @9JWFXKRfrom Ontario  answered…10mos10MO

Legally in terms of Law yes, but with the church Marriage has always been man and woman, though the government should not have the ability to control.

 @8TFC6XQfrom Ontario  answered…3yrs3Y

 @8TTG27Nfrom Ontario  answered…3yrs3Y

 @8Q6HDRWfrom Ontario  answered…4yrs4Y

 @8CX4TNNfrom Ontario  answered…4yrs4Y

Sure, why not? This can be legal. I see no reason as to why it should be illegal. If they are truly in love, then I say let it be (They can marry)!

 @9B97J5Gfrom Ontario  answered…2yrs2Y

 @8PPY29Hfrom Ontario  answered…4yrs4Y

Yes of course this shouldn’t even have to be “legalized” in the first place!!

 @8TW6FNGfrom Ontario  answered…3yrs3Y

Same sex marriage IS ALREADY LEGAL in Canada, so it should no longer be a question or issue. It had been decided. Done.

 @9MCJ3PYConservativefrom Ontario  answered…7mos7MO

In my personal opinion marry who you want because love is love but dont make it your personality and dont start pushing it onto other people because theirs a lot of people i know who would get married tot he same gender and just start pushing it onto other people (like man keep it to yourself)

 @9K5RHCFfrom British Columbia  answered…10mos10MO

i don’t support it nor deny it. i simply don’t care as long as ALL set religions are not forced to continue providing ceremonies for these marriages.


Yes, but instead call it marriage to indicate that the bond of love between two people isn't different depending on gender/sex

 @9J4LJ4Sfrom Alberta  answered…11mos11MO

Its not up to me to decide, its a personal decision based on personal beliefs. Government should not be involved in marriage.

 @9J4DGWJfrom Ontario  answered…11mos11MO

If religion doesn't allow it, it should be respected. It doesn't have to be a law in government, they can do their own thing.

 @9H34J25Libertarianfrom Alberta  answered…1yr1Y

Take the government out of marriage it is a decision only between the two people, up to each religion whether they want to allow it

 @9HK64NQ from Manitoba  answered…1yr1Y

Yes, but should not be entitled to same stuff, but rather allow the other side to decide if they like this happening at they're church, etc.

 @8VLKTVSNew Democraticfrom Alberta  answered…3yrs3Y

 @8VCFX92from British Columbia  answered…3yrs3Y

 @8SKZLX4from Alberta  answered…4yrs4Y

 @8VQNKLPfrom Nova Scotia  answered…3yrs3Y

 @8VMFKNCfrom Saskatchewan  answered…3yrs3Y

 @8FZ3W8ZConservativefrom Ontario  answered…4yrs4Y

I am fine with excepting people for who they are. I will not judge it but as myself i will choose to stay straight. As in my religion it says love someone no matter what in the christianity religion.

 @8GB29G6from Ontario  answered…4yrs4Y

i dont really care what other people do i personally wouldn't but if its what makes you happy go for it.

 @8SHGXN5from Manitoba  answered…4yrs4Y

I believe that marriage should be between a man and a woman. However, I don't think that it is the governments or my place to prohibit same sex marriage because they don't have the same belief system

 @9892VN4Conservativefrom Saskatchewan  answered…2yrs2Y

The same gender can marry but can't get treated specially because of it, everyone is the same at the end of the day.

 @8R2T5MFfrom Ontario  answered…4yrs4Y

 @8FFTFFSfrom Alberta  answered…4yrs4Y

I personally disagree with the homosexual lifestyle, but it doesn't really make a difference to me whether or not it is legal.

 @8Y8ZTLKfrom Ontario  commented…3yrs3Y

 @9ZZ37MKConservativefrom Alberta  answered…2wks2W

Yes but certain cultures have the fight to reject the ideas of same sex marriage such as Christianity, Sikhism, Islam they have independent rights to function as they desire

 @9ZYC2HLfrom Alberta  answered…3wks3W

I do not support same sex marriage. But I believe have the right to do what they want, even if i do not agree with their actions.

 @9ZTXP33from Ontario  answered…3wks3W

Same sex marriage should be legal but other religious views should have the right to refuse supporting it.

 @9ZQB47Bfrom Ontario  answered…4wks4W

I do not support the legalization of same sec marriage but the government should not involve in marriage

  @9ZJ8HS7Conservativefrom Saskatchewan  answered…1mo1MO


No, and make the government recognize marriage for only a man and a woman.

Absolutely not! Nowadays, the Word of God and the authority of The Church have been completely disregarded, and it fills me with sadness to see just how sick and twisted our world has become. I pray for each and every person who supports this LGBQRST, and hope that they get put onto a path that leads to righteousness and an eternal relationship with Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior (whether you like it or not).

 @9ZH2FNQfrom Manitoba  answered…1mo1MO

God made female and male. a male is supposed to marry a female and a female is supposed to marry a male. same sex marriage should be illegal

 @9GRCXQ6Communistfrom Ontario  answered…1yr1Y

I am a bit neutral about it because I respect the right for same sex marriage but I am also a religious person and in my religion homosexual acts is a sin.

 @9GK9SQWfrom British Columbia  answered…1yr1Y

I think everyone should do whatever they like, but I don't belive teaching students about LGBTQ things below the age of 17 is not alright. I think evryone should have the freedom to do whatever their values are.

 @9GFT99CConservativefrom Ontario  answered…1yr1Y

It's honestly a situation that is blown way out of proporation, who cares if a dude wants to smack weiners with another dude.

 @9G6842Vfrom Ontario  answered…1yr1Y

It is against the bible but my opinion doesn't matter if that is who they're happy with. Churches should be able to refuse the ceremonies.

 @9G3LBVGfrom Ontario  answered…1yr1Y

Yes, I believe that people of the same sex can marry because gender doesn’t matter and because it does not affect anyone in a bad way it is just who people love.

 @9G2J3Y7from Ontario  answered…1yr1Y

Yes, but introduce civil unions as an options for everyone in Canada like Quebec instead of common law marriage

 @9FWTCB2from Massachusetts  answered…1yr1Y

In principle, same-sex couples in a committed relationship should be afforded the same civil advantages as for one between a man and a woman. I would not use the term "marriage" in a civil setting; all civil marriages would be called "civil unions" and "Marriage" would be a term referved for church/religious use.

 @9FWMZSCfrom British Columbia  answered…1yr1Y

The marriage should be up to the two spouses, their families and the ideologies they follow with the government providing a family lawyer as an adviser if necessary.

 @9FR64MDfrom Ontario  answered…1yr1Y

Since Canada is secular, people should have the right to do as they please but others should not be forced to agree with the way in which other people live their lives.

 @9FMPCV8from Alberta  answered…1yr1Y

I don't have anything against it but I don't have an interest in this topic.

 @9FM9QN9from British Columbia  answered…1yr1Y

Yes, if that's the way of life they want then let them be as long as they're happy and not troubling others.


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