Try the political quiz

35 Replies


Can a political party truly satisfy both right and left-wing voters, and what compromises would they likely have to make?

 @9RBG9DHfrom Quebec  answered…8mos8MO

 @9RC33TXfrom Ontario  answered…8mos8MO

No, you can't please everything. You can be both fiscally responsible and socially intelligent, but the Liberal party is not doing it well.

 @9RMF7WQCommunistfrom Ontario  commented…8mos8MO

This should be liberals position, yet they seem to want to maintain the status quo instead of fight to stay in power with strong policies. Now that folks feel secure enough to leave Liberal behind and vote more left, they need to try to win over the moderates who were once conservative voters.

 @9RBRB8FNew Democraticfrom New Brunswick  answered…8mos8MO

Needs to be able to meet in the middle, but there is a large subsection of the citizenship that's more interested in misinfo and lies then facts.

 @9RBR3K6Greenfrom New Brunswick  answered…8mos8MO

Yes. We need to be united as a country. It has happened before, and I beleive it can happen again.

  @Daboss2o1Conservative from Alberta  disagreed…1yr1Y

But what about the West? Trudeau only cares about the East and himself. He went on vacation to another country and he said for the countries to stay home during Covid!

 @9LFRBR5from Nova Scotia  disagreed…12mos12MO


What are your thoughts on the legalization of same-sex marriage and its impact on societal values?

 @9TV56S7Liberalfrom Alberta  answered…6mos6MO

it is completely natural. same-sex marriage should be allowed because these people can not control the way they are it has been proven by many different science programs that being a gay individual is natural and that it is developed within the brain from a young age as well as the fact that this is an occurrence in nature as well.

 @9TV6C9WLiberalfrom Kuala Lumpur  answered…6mos6MO


Reflect on the role cultural diversity plays in your community; do you see it as a strength, challenge, or both?

 @9RHCG7Vfrom Ontario  answered…8mos8MO

More of strength then a challenge as for a long time and still now Canada is viewed as a multicultural hub for people of all walks of life. Therefore, if a liberal means it reflects the role that diversity plays in your community that is a good thing

 @9RHQQ4Tfrom Prince Edward Island  answered…8mos8MO

Cultural diversity is fantastic. Learning from other cultures is a great thing that makes you appreciate different walks of life and view points. Unless you are indigenous when you live in Canada you are an immigrant or descendent of one and all cultures should be shared and appreciated


What does equality of opportunity mean to you, and how can it be achieved in education and employment?

 @9RBSLYF from Nova Scotia  answered…8mos8MO

It means acknowledging that different people have different opportunities depending on their socio-economic background. It also relates to cyclical poverty, and acknowledging that sometimes individuals need a way to break this cycle externally, and social programs can possibly offer that.


How do you feel about a government prioritizing economic growth over environmental protection, and can there be a balance?

 @9TMG6DRfrom Ontario  answered…6mos6MO

I think that we can make a balance once we solve our national housing crisis.


Discuss the impact of balancing budgets on social programs; can it be done without significant harm to vulnerable populations?

 @9RC7956from Nova Scotia  answered…8mos8MO

Raise taxes on the upper echelon of society, capital gains, and institute an automation tax to compensate for loss of jobs to the encroaching use of AI. Reduce corporate welfare and stop propping up industrial plants that can’t compete on the economy to save a hundred jobs here and there for a photo op.

Taxing wisely and spending carefully isn’t an impossibility.


In what ways can younger generations be encouraged to participate in politics and champion liberal values?

 @9RBPNXJfrom Alberta  answered…8mos8MO

Get them into housing, young people are being shut out of housing. Tackle AirBnB, and tax second and third homes, the fact rents are always higher than the same unit's mortgage price is keeping people locked out of the housing market.


Considering the importance of national unity, what steps can individuals take to contribute towards this goal?


Have you or someone you know experienced the benefits or drawbacks of social program cuts firsthand?


What does 'human dignity' mean to you in the context of today's society, and how do you see it being upheld or violated?


How would you describe a just society, and do you think our current system aligns with that vision?


In your opinion, can a political party govern effectively if it tries to cater to both conservative and progressive ideals?


How does the idea of a 'big tent' political party challenge or support your personal political beliefs?


Discuss the importance of multilateralism in global politics; how does working with other countries benefit or hinder national interests?


Reflect on your personal experience with cultural diversity; has it influenced your views on immigration and multicultural policies?


How does the promise of 'equality of opportunity' resonate with your personal aspirations or challenges?


With the rise of digital spaces, how should political freedom and responsibility be balanced online?


In the age of global communication, how do you view the role of national unity and identity?


How important is bilingualism in today’s globalized world, and should it be encouraged beyond Canada's borders?


How does the concept of individual freedom impact your day-to-day life, and where do you see its limits?


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