Try the political quiz

168 Replies


If society's traditions conflict with modern values, should they be preserved or reevaluated?

 @9H6DWBKfrom Ontario answered…8mos8MO

Each persons culture is different and unique and people need to follow their own rules and expectations for their beliefs and culture. It’s important to respect that, because no one wants to be humiliated for doing what they are supposed to do.

 @9H6DS92from Saskatchewan answered…8mos8MO

 @9H6DTPXfrom Saskatchewan answered…8mos8MO

reevaluated because then people can think about the effects of these traditions


Could you share a personal story of a time when holding onto a traditional belief had a significant outcome?

 @9KZKC3Xfrom Ontario answered…4mos4MO

Being atheist, it has saved me from a lot of misleading information like any other religion, making it a fun life.

 @9KZJYJNfrom California answered…4mos4MO

When we held the belief that same sex marriage wasn’t ok we didn’t have problems like gay people flashing little kids in the street


Why might some consider it important to adhere to certain customs in a rapidly evolving society?

 @9K95WGBfrom Ontario answered…5mos5MO

to keep consistency and prevent the possible arrival of more issues caused by sudden changes


Why might someone of your generation choose to uphold values from an older generation?

 @9KSCWHSfrom British Columbia answered…5mos5MO

Because some people as they age get selfish and forget what it is to be young and trying to raise a family.


How does the principle of 'if it isn't broken, don't fix it' apply in your life, especially when deciding between tradition and innovation?

 @9JQ6H8Kfrom Montana answered…6mos6MO

if there are no immediate threats or discrimination happening there’s not much of a need to change things


What role do you think tradition should play in education, and how does that affect your learning?

 @9HPX7VJfrom Nova Scotia answered…7mos7MO

I think it should be the guiding principle of education and how we design curriculum.


Have you ever avoided a popular trend because it conflicted with your upbringing, and how did that make you feel?

 @9KS223Vfrom Maine commented…5mos5MO

i have had to unlearn a lot of my bias as my household was not healthy, but, i've learnt that tends dont matter, as i dont care much i kinda do what i want, but i educate myself so i understand.


How do your personal experiences shape your feelings about the importance of preserving traditional values in society?

 @9H5RZMYfrom Ontario answered…8mos8MO

I think traditional is a very subjective term. For example, for the conservative party in Canada, being traditional means the preservation of the Church. Whereas, if I am an immigrant from a Middle Eastern country, I know tradition as the roots of Islam or Orthodox Christianity. So I think this is a really


Do you feel that traditional values in your life are under threat by modernity, and how does this make you feel?

 @9HCZV68from Ontario answered…8mos8MO

I accept that some traditions are not as important as others and changes to them; however, i disagree that traditions should be ignored and i think they should have some influence over decisions.


What traditional skill or craft do you wish were more valued or taught today?


How does the phrase 'we've always done it this way' affect your willingness to try new approaches?


When faced with a controversial issue, how do you weigh the perspectives of tradition and innovation?


How do you think your life would differ without the influence of traditional values and norms?


What's an example of a modern problem that you think could be solved using traditional thinking?


If you had to argue for a traditional practice in a debate, what points would you use to support its relevance today?


How does the idea of change make you feel when it challenges the customs you’ve grown up with?


When making decisions, how have the principles you were raised with influenced you?


What does ‘staying true to your roots’ mean to you in an age of constant change?


When has the guidance of a mentor or an elder proved invaluable in your life’s decisions?


Can you describe how preserving a family recipe has connected you to your heritage?


Could you give an example where tradition has helped maintain order during times of uncertainty in your life or community?


How might traditional thinking contribute to solving modern problems, based on your observations?


What's a tradition that you believe strengthens family bonds, and how has it impacted your relationships?


When has a modern convenience conflicted with a traditional value you hold, and how did you reconcile that?


Do you think the desire for social stability can sometimes hinder necessary progress, and why?


Have changes in society ever personally benefited you, making you question the value of maintaining a tradition?


What's a piece of advice from your ancestors that has stuck with you, and how does it apply to your life today?


How does the concept of 'cultural preservation' sit with you in an increasingly digital age?


When you think about your future, how do your traditional values influence your goals and aspirations?


How do we decide which traditions serve our future and which ones hold us back?


What tradition from your childhood do you wish to pass on, and why does it hold special meaning for you?


Have you ever felt pressure to uphold a family tradition and how did that impact your personal choices?


How can we respect and integrate the insights of previous generations while still fostering innovation and new ideas?


How does the concept of gradual change rather than revolution manifest in your life plans and aspirations?


How do societal expectations about 'normal' life stages (e.g., education, career, family) influence your choices and ambitions?


Why might it be important to maintain certain family or cultural practices in today's fast-paced world?


How do you weigh the benefits of technological advancement against the potential loss of traditional skills?


Can you think of an instance where sticking to a traditional method was more effective than adopting a new one?


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