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 @9F8TWDJPeople’sfrom Alberta disagreed…7mos7MO

Easier immigration also comes with less screening of the immigrants themselves and increases the likelihood that an individual supporting or with the intent of terrorism is allowed through. Too much immigration also puts a strain on the economy as well as the housing market.

 @9F9TW79Conservativefrom Ontario disagreed…7mos7MO

We already have a huge influx of immigrants, and we don't have the infrastructure to house these immigrants. In Canada immigrants are buying up homes, and taking up jobs from canadians. If anything we need to reduce immigration.

 @9F976D8 from Washington disagreed…7mos7MO

So what are we just going to let these people that come to Canada suffer in the country they suffer in? We can build more houses and build on new workplaces (Environmentally friendly of course). And plus, for the workplace, why cant the immigrants and Canadians work together,

 @9KF2HWL from British Columbia disagreed…2mos2MO

The current state of the housing availability in Canada does not accommodate the increased immigration policy. We should be cutting the number down, not adding to the problem of insufficient supply.

 @9JM6BQQfrom Alberta disagreed…3mos3MO

We are already stretching thin on resources and jobs, how are they supposed to survive in this country if there isn't enough for us now?

 @9HRV2HTConservativefrom Quebec disagreed…4mos4MO

We’re having a simultaneously housing and healthcare crisis, we cannot support more people at the moment

 @9GYC3TPChristian Heritagefrom Ontario disagreed…5mos5MO

Then all of our taxes would go to welfare homes and other things that they need, they could bring problems here.

 @9G2JQGNfrom Ontario agreed…6mos6MO

I agree to make the process easier, I have a immigrant mother and it took her almost 10 years just to get her Canadian residency, she had to work hard to not get sent back to her homeland and to get me and my siblings taken away just to stay in Canada, it was a big struggle for her and I wouldn't want anybody else going through this.

 @9FWQHW3from British Columbia agreed…7mos7MO

Canada is a nation of immigrants, most coming here to start a better life. Who are we to say no to someone fleeing war and finding a home here. Without refugees, Canada looses its very essence. The process is extremely difficult, timely and expensive and needs to be streamlined.

 @9FHWH4Qfrom Ontario disagreed…7mos7MO

Making the process easier for refugees would mean there would be less screening and in turn increase the potential of a dangerous individual entering Canada.

 @9FFB2S3New Democraticfrom Ontario disagreed…7mos7MO

Because if it’s easier people will always apply as refugees and take the opportunity from someone that is really in danger

 @9F7VBMLfrom Ontario disagreed…7mos7MO

Immigration makes the life of people that already live here harder with less jobs and stuff like that.


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