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50 Replies

 @8DJ2XMTfrom Quebec answered…4yrs4Y

 @8C97BVPNew Democraticfrom Ontario answered…4yrs4Y

Athletes should not be divided by gender but instead divided by their weight, height, muscle mass, etc.

 @8SD9G5Bfrom Alberta answered…3yrs3Y

Yes, but only with other transgender athletes of the same sex at birth and gender identity

 @8F7WGJNfrom Alberta answered…4yrs4Y

should compete with transgender athletes of same chosen sex only because of certain advantages.

 @8V2R5R8from Alberta answered…3yrs3Y

 @8V2PWZCfrom Alberta answered…3yrs3Y

This is a difficult question, but I feel that in extreme cases, an athlete has the opportunity to fake being transgender only to have an upper hand in opposing sport events. I lean towards no.

 @8VMZSPXConservativefrom Ontario answered…3yrs3Y

Sure, but as the sex on their birth certificate. Not the sex they identify as. Born male, compete against males. Born female, compete against females.

 @8VC37H4from Manitoba answered…3yrs3Y

They should change the way people are chosen to compete against each other, such as weight/strength/height/etc

 @8CW6SXRNew Democraticfrom Newfoundland answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, but some athletic organizations need to reassess how athletes are categorized to ensure safety and fairness for all.

 @8PW9SHKfrom Ontario commented…4yrs4Y

Except there's absolutely no evidence that allowing trans women in sports leads to more injury; the evidence usually cited is that Fallon Fox injured another fighter, but serious injuries are not uncommon in martial sports, and many women have been injured and in some cases killed even when no trans women were present.

 @8R8GVD7Conservativefrom Alberta answered…4yrs4Y

The lines dividing athletes by gender should be erased

 @8T3T55PConservativefrom Ontario commented…3yrs3Y

I think that’s interesting but in effect you’d just destroy women in sports

 @9TJBX8Mfrom British Columbia answered…6 days6D

as an athlete No because if a trans woman is competing against a biological female the trans women will be stronger, bigger and hormone levels are diffrent like testosterone the the female which makes it dangerous for the biological female expetialy in sports like boxxing, wrestling, and Bmx racing. trans athletes should be forced to compete against their biological gender!


How do you think fairness in sports should be defined when it comes to athletes with different gender identities?

 @9TN6ZYVfrom Ontario answered…3 days3D

You compete against those with the same sex chromosomes as you. XY with XY and XX with XX

 @9TMG6K4from Alberta answered…3 days3D

i need to findout more and i think everyone dose at this point in time i think that a women or man (trans) play in the sport of there gender not biological gender.


In your opinion, does the current debate about transgender athletes reflect deeper societal values around fairness and equality?

 @9TRY8FJPeople’sfrom Ontario answered…21hrs21H

In a sense -- the fact that there's a 'debate' in the first place shows how insane some people have become, but it is good to see anti-trans rhetoric becoming more mainstream in response to such insanity.

 @carsonmyers from Maine answered…1 day1D

No, it reflects deeper societal values around othering and inhumanity. If people want to carefully study the physical fitness of elite transgender athletes compared to their cisgender counterparts to learn about human physiology and examine our attitudes about what constitutes a fair vs. unfair advantage, that is one thing; banning trans kids from sports is hatred.

 @9TQWX6J from Ontario answered…1 day1D

i believe that the whole conversation on "transgender athletes" is not important whatsoever to any voters in any part of the world and it is only a topic used to debate over and distract from the fact that most politicians are rich aristocrats who have never struggled in the way voters have

 @9TP73Q7from Alberta answered…2 days2D

Transgender Athletes should only compete in the sports that contain the gender they transitioned from.

 @9TF5F5Zfrom Alberta answered…1wk1W

I think everyone has genetic advantage when compared to random others, and therefore athletics shouldn't be separated by gender at all

 @9QPR3YPfrom British Columbia answered…3mos3MO

no, because it is not fair once you get to a certain age because men are much stronger then woman and they could cause more damage to the woman if in contact.

 @9LX8MD9from Ontario answered…5mos5MO

Yes, but sex based divisions are an over simplification of what differentiates athletic potentials and this system for division should be reconsidered.

 @9LNCC45 from British Columbia answered…5mos5MO

Yes, but only if their biological sex places them at a physical disadvantage (female to male transgenders for example)

 @9LBPBS7Greenfrom Ontario answered…6mos6MO

I do not care, if someone wants to play sports, let them play. if the loss of a soccer game ruins your life to the point you wont except someone for who they are then thats your own problem.

 @9L8JRVWBloc Québécoisfrom Ontario answered…6mos6MO

In a setting which athletes are competing in a large scale, no. For non-profit things such as after school programs, should be up to each program.

 @9L6ZM2CLiberalfrom Saskatchewan answered…6mos6MO

They should be treated just like everyone else, because the only thing that's different is there love life.

 @9KTRK67from British Columbia answered…6mos6MO

Yes, but it should be up to each sport's governing body as all sports have different factors to condider

 @9KNY5GSConservativefrom Ontario answered…7mos7MO

Yes, I’m a open category allowed to any gender. Male and female categories should remain consistent in their application to those born with that biological sex.

 @9K4PKQ5from Ontario answered…7mos7MO

Yes in the grade school, college and non professional levels. Professional sports bodies should have the right to set their own informed guidelines.

 @9K3DVX4from Ontario answered…7mos7MO

No, i would say although drugs affect the hormonal systems of transgender athletes, it would still give other athletes at some disadvantage as they still retain some or even most athleticism after transition

 @9JXN7JSfrom British Columbia answered…7mos7MO

I do not believe they should simply because of their biology and the fact one sex is biologically stronger than the other and would be unfair for either them or others depending what they transitioned from

 @9G2QFBDNew Democraticfrom Ontario answered…12mos12MO

They should look into other ways to categorize athletes besides gender/sex if in the eyes of those they decide, gender and sex entail a set of specific differences. Perhaps weight class, hormones etc. Should be individually considered outside of gender and sex as these physical differences exists and vary amongst these categories regardless, so to limit someone if they’re transgender based on that principle wouldn’t be entirely preventing biological difference

 @9FX7X7KNew Democraticfrom New Brunswick answered…12mos12MO

No, but there should be new categories that benefit transgender athletes, like transgender men categories and transgender women categories, that way everyone can perform.

 @9FSJJXSfrom Ontario answered…12mos12MO

If your born a guy you only compete against guys if your a girl you probably wouldn't even try and compete against the guys we are not the same guys are just naturally alot stronger

 @9FQ2ZJYfrom Yukon Territory answered…12mos12MO

Not unless it is a sport where being biologically male doesn't present a significant advantage. Ie shooting, archery,

 @9FPDQBGLiberalfrom Ontario answered…12mos12MO

 @9FN7Z9Qfrom Ontario answered…12mos12MO

They should compete against other transgender athletes undergoing the same transition

 @9FL6YZRfrom Ontario answered…12mos12MO

Transgender athletes should be allowed but they would be at a advantage/disadvantage depending on the sport. I want them to be able but also don't because of some advantages/disadvantages from their anatomy.

 @9FKSYDXfrom Alberta answered…12mos12MO

They should have their own category of sports, so that they are still happy with what they identify with, but also don't interfere with biological male or female sports.

 @9FJSLFMfrom Ontario answered…12mos12MO

Needs another solution to categorize individuals or more scientific data. Needs a solution that may need to fit the needs of the sport and the individual

 @9FHQKJ7from Manitoba answered…12mos12MO

Women transitioned to men can compete among men, but not when men transition to women

 @9FHJYW3from British Columbia answered…12mos12MO

 @9FH38CYPeople’sfrom Ontario answered…12mos12MO

 @9FGK49Kfrom Alberta answered…1yr1Y


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