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no, I think having trans athetes in sports should be banned. Another alternative is for trans athletes to have their own class.
Not really, stay out of opposite genders sports. It's pretty simple!
@9V28522New Democratic6mos6MO
Personally, I think transgender men should not be able to compete in women's sports and vise versa. I say this because men naturally are stronger then women because they have a higher testosterone level, it is scientifically proven.
All I think is that people should be able to play no matter what gender or sex they go by. I really don't see the difference between cis and transgender people playing on the same teams. it's stupid to be angry at trans people wanting to be themselves.
@9TYSC3GNew Democratic6mos6MO
Let transgender people play on the sports team they identify with
Biologically it is not fair for trans women to compete amongst real women. Same goes for trans men with real men. Socially people tend to miss the science of it all.
First of all I feel that if you have a passion for a sport or something then gender should not come in the way of your path. But at the same time i also feel that if you were a male at birth you would still have the strength of a man even if you have had a gender change. Then it isn't quite fair to the other female athletes.
I think they should not be aloud to compete especially if they are a transgendered female because they are biologically stronger.
Absolutey, because no matter the gender of the person it should be equal rules for all , and no matter the sport anyone could basicly play anything they wanted, it's not anyone's choice to make for that person.
All trans athletes should be able to participate in sports
i don’t care what gender you think you are whatever your born as is what you league you should be playing in
Transgender people should compete with their original sex because their anatomy is different then the current sex they identify as.
Transgender should compete with their original sex
Yes the fact that we are focusing on athletes gender as opposed to skill level shows systemic transphobia.
I don't think they should have rights if there are stupid
yes, in sports you should only play against people the same as your birth sex.
@9VKQ7RD 6mos6MO
no, it reflects a lack of common sense among people nowadays
@9VHJRBBNew Democratic6mos6MO
Transgender people should be considerd illegals and be deported
@9VHLKZC 6mos6MO
Yes because scientifically the male body is built to hold more muscle, so if a transgender were to compete against women it would be unfair.
I believe if you are born a male, and play male sports, it is not fair to hard-working women to let a transgender male compete in the same circuit. as men are generally more athletic.
I think it is unfair for a biological man to compete with a biological woman, depending on the transgender person's hormone levels.
yes its not right for men to compete with women its unfair
It is unfair because biological men are stronger than biological women.
@9VGT9XP 6mos6MO
Transgender athletes are the opposite of equality. Men think they have a right to compete against women because they state they are a woman, yeah that makes sense. Men and women AREN'T EQUAL, one is not better than the other, but we are not the same. Everyone knows this, you can't deny facts, ppl just choose to deny the truth and I don't even know why, it's illogical.
I believe that transgender athletes should not be allowed to play against opposite sex. Basically what ever sex there born in should be the sex the play with.
I personally think you should compete against your assigned gender at birth. Men have clear advantages over women; hormonal treatment or not is and will always be unfair.
Even though I support LGBTQ+ fully, as an athlete I do have concerns with the transgender athletes wanting to compete against the opposite gender mostly just because males DO have a genetic advantage when it comes to sports and its about finding something fair for everyone.
I think everyone's equal and we shouldn't make any changes for anyone and everyone should be qual
It's best to stay out of opposite-gender sports. Because even though someone may have transitioned, their assigned gender at birth may give them an advantage in that sport.
No, because transgender athletes, for the most part, use the trans card for higher results in sporting competition. There is nothing associated to equality in this issue.
I think it's important that we either create a new pool for
It biologically unfair for women to compete against men in sports and vice versa.
It biologically unfair for women to compete against men in sports and vice versa.
Equality and fairness are mutually exclusive terms. I have no issues with transmen competing with other men. I only have issues with transwomen competing with natural women. This is because it removes opportunities for women in the realm of sports. This becomes more of an issue at the higher levels of sport where compensations and advantages become more apparent.
the gender you are born as should be the gender you go against in competitions.
transgender athletes cant ply *** a boy when they born a girl example you born girl but your trans and you become boy you thing do you thing their not gonna takle you as hard as they can that would be unfair cause you a girl if you got takle hard youprobobly takle back but that probably those not hurt at all I'm not saying girls are weak but girls are strong but in physical sports like boxing UFC football they cannot play unless their fighting with girls like them.
I believe when it comes to transgender athletes, there is no fairness in any way possible because the genetic structure of a man is way stronger than a woman. I do not think that a woman who has transitioned has the same capability as a man who is fully well. It is an unfair thing in every aspect because for things in life to be fair, they have to be equal or close to equal. When we talk about transgender athletes, it becomes a tipping scale, and one gets a much better advantage at beating the other just because they identify as the same gender.
The fact that we care more about random peoples abilities athletic abilities, than people being comfortable in their skin is troubling.
No, if you have a hammer you’re a man. If you don’t have a hammer you’re a woman. Simple.
Transgender athletics has been proven to be fair by the Olympics since 2000, and anyone who unironically brings up this point is usually transphobic.
If you're transgender, you can't just switch to the oppostie side, you need to be the original gender side you're on because that is truly your gender.
@9V8GSR6New Democratic6mos6MO
It reflects false ideas about the way transitioning works.
I think people are just transphobic. If they pass a test the same way any other “woman” does they should be able to play the same sports etc. obviously if they have the stats a “man” would they should not be competing with women.
I think that it does not matter what gender they are as long as they meet the requirements to be on the team
The current debate about transgender athletes does reflect deeper societal values around fairness and equality. Society wants to include transgender athletes but it is important to keep fairness and equality for all athletes as well.
@9V7S89S 6mos6MO
sports should be inclusive yet fair to everyone, as long as the weight groups are fairy decided like they've always been, then it makes no difference to me if a transgender woman is playing on a volleyball team with other women because she is a woman.
If you were born a gender you should play against them.
Bad, if you were born a man you should compete with them
No because its not fair, Men are scientifically stronger than women in every aspect. It is not equal either. Ill use volleyball as an example, men have a higher vert than women , they can jump higher they can hit harder and most of all men are just stronger than women. I do not believe that trans women are women.
Yes but i think we need to stop switching the meanings of those words.
It shows that governments and legislatives are continuing to want to control people's
bodies - especially AFAB individuals.
@9TWHXYPConservative 6mos6MO
Indeed, the discussion around transgender athletes is reflective of larger cultural ideals related to inclusion, equality, and fairness. Advocates stress the value of encouraging equality and representation in sports by enabling transgender athletes to compete in a manner consistent with their gender identity. Conversely, conflicts surrounding equality are brought to light by worries about competition fairness, particularly with relation to physiological inequalities. Deeper concerns like how society defines justice, the rights of oppressed groups, and striking a balance between inclusivity… Read more
if your born biological male and you transition to a woman you still have to compete with men because you have the hormones of a man and strength of a man it’s not fair for a biological woman to compete against you
@9WVMXV3 5mos5MO
I think transgendar people should not be allowed to compete against cisgendar people in sports as it is genetically unfair and puts them at either an advantage or disadvantage from the rest. This is not to be transphobic or discriminatory at all.
I feel the issue is highly controversial and requires open debate bewteen all people to esnure the integrity of sports competition and equality in society
I believe that it is unfair for transgender people too compete for example weightlifting males have a clear advantage simply from testosterone
Biological males should compete against biological males and same for females. There is a basic anatomy difference and is completely not fair. Anyone who think it is fair is ignorant.
Transgnder people should not be able to participate in their new gender's bracket
No, equality does means equal, having biologically male athletes compete in womens sports is completely unfair and the opposite of equal. Get men out of womens sports!
No, They were born as the opposite gender therefore should compete in that gender category.
Don't care men should be men and women should be women
I don't agree that transgender althetes should be able to go on different teams
No because men athletes are naturally stronger than male athletes.
Yes, I think that the transgender athlete isn't about the sport, but the right to identify as the opposite sex.
There are measures that can be taken to ensure fairness and equality. When transgender persons begin to take hormones their bodies change more towards that gender they are planning to transition to. A male to female (MTF) transitioner who is taking HRT will be less strong than a cis male.
they should not be put into the other gender areas, for it gives them an unfair advantage
Trans athletes should compete in the gender group of what they were when they were born such as trans women in men’s sports etc as it is not fair for the female athletes who would be competing against a biological male
I think transgender athletes should be allowed to compete in professional sport.
It has more to do with transphobia and an ingrained gender binary than fairness. There are too many natural variations in the skills of cisgender athletes for transgender athletes on hormone therapy to be considered outside of the “norm.”
I think that there should be a seperate league for Transgender Athletes, and this current topic is deffinelty a debate about fairness and equality, I think that however a seperate league could be dissagreed upon, in the long run it would be more effective.
Yes, because I truly do not believe in no way is it fair, for someone of a different gender to be participating in a sport of the opposite.
I really dont think it matters because if an individual is good at an sport they should be allowed to play it even if they fit in with the ¨ men ¨ strength or the ¨women¨ strength category.
Transgender athletes should not be able to play with the sex that the were not before. For example a man who became a woman should not be able to participate in women's sports
i dont think this should be allowed at a professional level
I think a 6 ft 8 male African should not be allowed to play WNBA
Yes, I think it needs to be reassessed. Yes, trans women are women, and trans men are men. However, in regards to sports, and specifically professional sports, there should be a separate division in which trans athletes can compete fairly with each other.
Yes, however biological physical build plays a big role in the fairness of athletic competition between genders.
Maybe but I also agree that it is unfair for biological males to compete with biological women and the same goes for women competing in males sport.
@9W2Y7JKNew Democratic5mos5MO
I do not agree that a transgender female should be able to play on a women’s team, they just will naturally have many physical benefits. However, I also do not believe it would be fair to the individual or to the team to have to play on their cis genders team. I truly don’t know what to think.
@9W2M2H5New Democratic5mos5MO
It is not a matter of fairness or equality when people can get seriously injured.
its dumb because guys are always gonna be bigger since the have more trustarione
I want fairness and equality for all people but if the person in question has an undeniable advantage, due to muscle build and hormones, it is not equal. I think stature and weight / muscle categories need to be implemented if they will be in the same sports as the women. This is only fair.
well, if there are so many transgender athletes, there should be a league for them instead of them playing with afabs and abab so it would be more equal strength wise.
The current debate about transgender athletes highlights a lot of the inequalities in our gender biases and honestly most of these concerns will go away as people are allowed to be who they want to be at younger ages. Honestly we should abolish gender specifications in sport and embrace ability based systems or weight classes.
trans women who are born men shouldn't be aloud to compete with the women.
yes, our country has become a "complain and get what you want" culture. Canada is too soft hearted and focus too much time and money one those complaining and not focusing on the really important issues affecting the majority
i beleive transgender athletes should not be able to play in the opposite genders sport, etc. a man transitioning into a woman should not be able to play in a national womans sport.
Yes, if anything they should have their own category.
@9VZ3QBMNew Democratic5mos5MO
Let trans athletes compete in their preferred gender's category. The side effects of HRT outweigh any biological benefit they may have anyways.
People are too concerned with transgender individuals. They are people who want to live their life as happily and authentically as possible. There is too much bigotry and fear mongering towards transgender people that has only increased with this “athletics” discussion. Sure maybe sometimes transgender people may have “biological advantages”, but so do numerous cisgendered athletes and that’s just life. Sometimes people are gonna be better at things than you and you’re just gonna have to get over it. You don’t have the right take away opportunities from people because you feel hard done by.
Yes, I believe debate about the fairness of transgender athletes calls into question the fairness of sports in general. Cisgendered athletes born with physiological advantages are not barred from competing against their same-sex peers, why does our view/treatment of transgender athletes differ so much?
If transgender athletes have under gone hormonal transition and puberty of the gender they identify with, then yes, they deserve and should be allowed to participate in sports that align with the gender identity. This fear around men pretending to be women to win at sports is unwarranted. It doesn't happen. And saying transgender women have advantage over cis women because they may have gone through male puberty first before female puberty is simply another way for society to regulate women's bodies, determining how strong or how much testosterone a woman can have, defining limits… Read more
Transgender athletes should absolutely not be able to compete with the opposite sex
@9VNPZW2 6mos6MO
A transgender man/woman (or vice versa, M.T.F or F.T.M) will somewhat still retain the same qualities of their assigned-at-birth gender.
Meaning that a transgender woman could still have the strength/speed of a male, especially if they identify as female without having taken estrogen or anything of the sort.
This can be a large issue when you consider that men biologically: Feel less physical pain than women, have stronger muscles, and are faster.
And for those reasons above, men and women's sports categories are separated.
While it could be more "fair" in terms of equality for women who were assigned male at birth to participate in women's only sports categories, it PHYSICALLY is not fair.
So I guess the answer is; Yes.
@9VJL5BX 6mos6MO
Somewhat, I believe some people on both sides are like this, but that the loudest voices in the public debate are driven by emotion, making wider discussions feel more intimidating.
I think the argument of transgender athletes is completely unrelated to the statements made about societal fairness and equality. I can agree that as a society we can be more equal and fair to our peers, I also believe trans athletes competing in sports raises the issue of biological superiority. Should a transgender person who is transitioning into a female (was formerly a man), they would have a biological advantage over the biological females they compete against.
@9VCK229New Democratic6mos6MO
not really. It's a highly specific issue that I don't think is comparable to any others really
I do not think transgender athletes should be able to compete with non trans people.
Transgender athletes should compete in their respective devisions and league's not against biological males or females.
@9TXFQCY 6mos6MO
I don't care much, it's up to the commission. The only people that make a fuss about it are people with invested intrest or grifters making it out to be a much bigger topic than it should be.
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