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Electoral District (2011):
Electoral District (2013):
Yes, current legal immigrants should be required to learn fluent english, french , and spanish
In order to gain citizenship immigrants must past an english fluency test with some french fluency so it would make it easier for them to live in canada and to better assimilate
@B46V7MRLibertarian1 day1D
My preference would be a complete halt to immigration and the reallocation of immigration-related funding to be used instead to pay Canadian families to have children at above replacement rate. I would need to see data comparing the effective contributions of immigrants of European/English decent, vs. non-English speaking arrivals, as well as some sense of the undoubtedly large cultural cost to increased diversity, in order to accurately assess this question. My preference would be to reject anyone outright who did not have significant cultural overlap with the founders of this country, meaning French or English would be one of may bare minimum expectations for immigrating. What little remains of the cultural identity of Canada (going back as recently as the 1990s) lies festering and we cannot afford any more progressive colonization
@B462G5W2 days2D
Yes, they should be required to learn English or French. The government should also provide free language learning courses.
No, there should never be any immigrants in Canada that aren’t from Britain or France, aren’t ethnically British or French, and don’t know English or French.
@9L8JRVWBloc Québécois12mos12MO
Yes, but not legally? Like they wouldn't get fined or something if they don't learn it, but if they want to be functioning members of society they are expected to.
I feel like they should learn English or French, but only to help them with their communication in the country. Not to remove their sense of where they came from in their language. It would only be to help the communications in the country for everybody's benefits.
No, but the government should provide and heavily encourage the use of free language learning courses.
No, because we live in a Bilingual Country. Immigrants should be highly encouraged to learn either French or English
Yes, unless they are mentally unable to (such as cases of dementia where a family member enters the country on humanitarian grounds)
Require them to learn either English or French, and the government should provide free language learning courses
@9H6FV3D 1yr1Y
Yes, but for immigrants in Quebec, French should be learned first. Ideally, immigrants should learn both.
Immigrants who wish to be citizens need to learn either English or French in order to pass the Citizenship exam. The government should provide French or English class to immigrants who wish to become citizens who are under age 50.
Yes, but the government offers a free language learning courses as well as embrace the diversity of the immigrants and add to our country
yes and no, just make sure you can understand a bit of English when u come to Canada. or if you would like there are classes.
No, but provide learning courses and recommend it
English should be taught for free. English is useful for communication. It's important to have a shared language even if people speak different language at home.
Learn either English OR French and pass Canadian language standard for atleast one.
They should be required to learn both French and English, to a varying degree depending on where they are going.
Not required, but language learning courses should be provided without any cost
I don't think it should be required, but encouraged
Yes, six months to learn our language or they get deported.
They should be required to learn the official language of the province they reside.
No, but resources to do so should be offered and provided
French Or English should be required
Yes, or French so long as one of the official languages is spoken fluently.
required to know english or french
No, but they should be required to learn one of the national languages
It should be offered as a public service to immigrants
No, but te government should provide free language learning courses in both French and English
No, but they must have a sufficient basic understanding of basic words in either French or English
Yes, at least English or French depending on where they are.
Yes, but not intentionally. They should also be encouraged to learn French as well.
English or French, and remove multilingual translations from government documents and services
@99LFTHSNew Democratic2yrs2Y
Yes, English (Or French dependant if the location is a French speaking majority) should be required, but the government should provide free language learning courses
Yes and English should be the only official language.
Yes. An immigrant should be able to ask for help in english.
Yes, and also require to learn French. Offer free French and English lessons for immigrants.
They should learn English in English Canada, and French in French Canada.
Yes, or they should be attempting to learn English or french as the country has two national languages
Yes, but learning French would also be acceptable
i belive it is up to the immigrants to learn a language! maybe some basics and they can be fine. but it also depends on their job. they should also get free language courses if they wish to learn.
i believe that immigrants have the rights to decide on what they think would be beneficial.
No, they should speak either English or French and the government should assist with language learning
Government should provide both English and French since Canada is a bilingual country
Yes, and French should also be required
Must learn either official language
Yes, must learn either English or French, one of our two official languages.
Yes. Both spoken & written. This way there can be no ‘I didn’t understand’ regarding laws & etiquette in our country.
Yes, but we should also embrace the diversity of cultures and languages that they bring.
Either English or French depending on the province they are moving to or working in
@98544WTBloc Québécois2yrs2Y
Yes, or French. Language courses should be provided free of charge.
Yes, English OR French, and the government should provide free language learning courses
No but it should be highly recommended to make their lives easier and make the learning programs free
Yes, or French if that is the operative language of the area.
Immigrants should have some knowledge in at least one of the two national languages, and the government should provide free or subsidized language learning courses
i believe that it should not be maditory to learn english to immigrate to canada but the goverment should partialy subsidze english courses
Yes, and language learning courses should be provided with the ability to make exceptions in some cases.
No, they should have to learn the majority language of the Provine or Territory that they are migrating to. (I.E French in Quebec, Inuktitut in NWT/Nunavut)
i mean yeah i guess so that they can comunicate better with others but it should be there choice but they should get free language courses.
Immigrants should be required to speak English or French to enable them to participate fully in Canadian society
Free language classes should be provided, but if a person is above a certain age(elderly) then learning one of our national languages shouldn't be a requirement
Immigrants should need to learn either official language with free classes provided by the government
Yes, they should. However, they must be allowed to speak their own languages if they wish and the government should help them learn.
Yes, but they should not be pressured to and should still be able to speak their original and native languages in many situations professional, public and / or private
No, immigrants should be required to learn English or French, and the government should provide free language learning courses
Depends on their age, if they are above 70, I believe they shouldn't, if they are younger than 40, they should.
no they should have to learn but it would be nice to learn a little so they can communicate with people a little easier.
No, but the goverment should provide education for this, especially for safety concerns for the individual, i.e health, security
They should be required to learn the (one) official language of whichever province/territory that they settle in.
Canada never would have been populated if this was the stance 100 years ago. It shouldn’t matter to everyone else, it’s only relevant to the immigrant for them to exist if they can function here or not.
Learning English or French should be required, and I think the government should fund classes or just have them be integrated into school programs that already exist
Immigrants to Canada should be required to learn either english or french depending on which province they reside in.
They should be required to learn either English or French as these are the officials langauages of Canada
No but it should be encouraged if they live in an area with predominantly English speakers with free programs to help learn. Same with French. Learning hurt nobody.
No, but the government should provide free courses in English (French in Quebec) for any immigrants who have no knowledge of the language.
Yes, with the inclusion that French should also be accepted to reflect our status as a bilingual country.
Yes, but only if they are not immigrating to Québec or another francophone region of the country, in which case they should instead be required to learn French.
They need to learn or know either English or French, if they only know French, then they can live in Quebec or New Brunswick. We can teach them with courses too.
no but highly recommend it so they'll have an easier time understanding most people from the country
Yes, along with French. But language courses should be provided free. And a successful course should be completed before receiveing citizenship
Yes, but they should be allowed to also learn French as well, but the government must provide the courses at little to no cost.
@Joshua-Thoreson 1yr1Y
They are required to learn English if they want to go into any profession, however it does not make sense for the older generations to be forced to learn English at their age.
If they are immigrating to Quebec, they should be required to learn French, New Brunswick either, and all other provinces English.
They’re coming into our country, they should respect us by learning Canadian language and laws and respect
Yes- english or french, but english or french courses should be provided for free
Yes, but basic speaking and understanding are enough.
@9DRYGB6 2yrs2Y
they should know basic English but don't need to be fluent in it.
Or French. We have two official languages.
@B2LXR6LNew Democratic2mos2MO
If immigrating to french speaking province, they should learn either english or french (or both). Otherwise, must learn english but lessons provided by the government.
Immigrants should be required to learn English or French (ie. one of the two national languages of Canada).
@9VZDVGVNew Democratic5mos5MO
No, but promote learning English/French in order for understanding between two parties to be maintained.
Yes, as they are required for citizenship reasons, but government sponsored refugees should be funded to take courses to fully prepare for the labour market.
They should only be allowed in the country if they can prove they speak all languages spoken historically in the province they are moving to. e.g. An immigrant to Nova Scotia must learn English, French, Scottish Gaelic and Mi'kmaq.
they should not force it but they should provide free language learning courses for those that want to
Yes, they should be required to learn English (or French if in Quebec or other majority-Francophone areas.)
No, but immigrants should have a basic working vocabulary.
both they should be able to speck what they want and english
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