Try the political quiz

236 Replies


What scenarios can you envision where self-determination might lead to stronger community bonds and mutual support?

 @9K8DSFXfrom Alberta commented…7mos7MO

A corporate run dystopia (where we are heading\0 will only end in a revolution leading to freedom for all and sort of a reset to before organized government.


Discuss how a personal experience with inequity or unfair representation could galvanize support for a separatist movement.

 @9JQJVTLfrom Alberta answered…8mos8MO

alberta is not treated fairly for their huge production to canadas general economy conneting to the oil and gas industry


Is it fair for a region to secede if it means significant economic harm for the original country?


No. We have that in Europe in France , Spain etc. Separatism is harmful to a countries . Regions need to be adequately involved in political decision making though .


What historical event in your area do you think most deserves recognition or commemoration in its own independent nation?


Imagine you have the power to create new laws in an independent region; which outdated rule would you first abolish and why?


How would your sense of personal identity evolve if your local community declared itself an independent country tomorrow?


If your neighborhood decided to form its own small government, what one change would you push for to improve your daily life?


Thinking about the future, how do you believe independence could transform the opportunities available to the youth in your community?


If you could ensure one cultural practice or tradition was preserved in an independent state, what would it be and why?


Have you ever felt that forming a separate entity could better address a community issue you care deeply about?


How do you expect the arts and local traditions to flourish differently under a government that represents a specific cultural identity?


What local issue do you feel would benefit most from having a government solely dedicated to your region?


Imagine your community has become independent; how would you describe its unique identity to someone from another continent?


From your perspective, what would be the greatest challenge and the most significant benefit of a successful separatist movement?


How can a balance be struck between the cultural benefits of independence and the potential isolation it could bring?


How might autonomy in healthcare decisions at a local level affect the wellbeing of your community?


How would an independent state's educational system reflect your community's values and history?


Do you think your personal rights would be better protected by a smaller, local government than a larger one?


Can individual rights and freedoms be better protected in an independent state or within a larger nation?


How much responsibility should a new state bear for those who do not support its independence?


What role do you see for immigrant communities in the dialogue around a region seeking independence?


How might sports and entertainment industries be affected by the creation of a new nation?


If an independent state meant reviving a nearly lost language or tradition, how would that affect your support?


Imagine how distinct your celebrations and holidays might become in an independent state; what traditions would you emphasize?


In what ways do you think a successful separatist movement could impact global relations?


How do you think the inclusivity of minority voices could be affected in a region seeking to form its own government?


Can you share a moment when you felt a significant policy decision did not reflect the collective will of your region?


If your local community's primary language became the official language of a newly independent state, how would that make you feel?


Imagine redesigning your national flag to represent your community; what unique symbol or color would it include?


How much weight should the history of a region hold when considering its desire for greater autonomy or independence?


If your local sports team was to represent a newly independent region, would it change your sense of pride or support for the team?


Should the cultural significance of a region play a role in its political autonomy; why or why not?


Can you think of an instance when a local decision made by distant politicians didn't seem to fit your community's needs?


How would the everyday culture of your neighborhood or city be preserved or evolved in an independent state?


If faced with the choice, would you prioritize economic stability or cultural independence for your community?


To what extent should the protection of unique cultures and languages justify the formation of new nations?


If you were to draw the borders of a new country, what criteria would you use to determine its boundaries?


How would you feel about the currency you use every day changing if your region became a separate country?


How would the dynamics of your family and friendships change if you were suddenly living in a newly independent state?


If separation meant you could design your educational curriculum, what subjects or values would you emphasize?


Have you ever felt that the laws of your country don't accurately reflect your community's values and how would independence address this?


If your cultural or ethnic group faced discrimination, would the idea of forming an independent state appeal to you?


How often do you encounter cultural or linguistic barriers that make you consider the benefits of governing your own community?


Imagine if your local community had complete control over environmental regulations; what changes would you prioritize?


How has your personal history and ancestry shaped your views on the concept of having a separate state or nation?


Have you experienced or observed any forms of exclusion or discrimination that could fuel separatist sentiments?


What relationships or connections might be strained or strengthened if your region became independent?