Try the political quiz

232 Replies


Would businesses operate more fairly and ethically without government regulation or would they exploit their newfound freedom?

 @9H4K6DGPeople’sfrom Alberta answered…8mos8MO

They would exploit it, though would eventually have to tone it down, as the workers and customers do have free will no either no longer work at their business, or buy their products, forcing the company to comply to either both the customer and the workers demands.



What do you think would ensure fair work practices in a world where labor laws were determined by employees and employers directly?

 @9JB49DDfrom Nova Scotia answered…6mos6MO

I think it would be beneficial for labour laws to be set by employees. That way they can set realistic goals and laws based on where their working and who their working with.


Without public housing support, how might communities assist those struggling to find affordable accommodation?

 @9HTW89Mfrom Ontario answered…6mos6MO

Build them a house and give them a government like transportation and sanitary or any other job job. so they can earn the income,


If citizens had to take total responsibility for their financial security in retirement, how do you think savings habits might change?

 @9JBR3N6from Ontario answered…6mos6MO

Save money from early age and invest in pension plans, so they utilize in old age.


Could a minimal government sufficiently respond to global challenges like pandemics or climate change?


Would you trust a justice system managed by private entities more or less than a government-run system?


Would a minimal government approach lead to more meaningful partnerships among citizens, and in what ways?


In what ways would you ensure that ethical business practices are maintained without government regulation?


How do you think a minimal government would influence self-reliance and entrepreneurship in your community?


If you had more say in local decision-making with minimal government, would you be more or less engaged and why?


What would motivate you to donate to or volunteer for causes without a government to handle social issues?


Do you believe community-funded programs could effectively replace government-funded healthcare?


Without a government enforcing environmental laws, how might individuals and companies be held accountable for protecting nature?


If you had more take-home pay due to fewer taxes but had to pay directly for services like roads and schools, how might your spending change?


How would the elimination of government arts funding affect the types of entertainment and cultural events available to you?


If zoning and planning were not government-managed, how might that change the landscape of your city?


What kind of community support systems do you think would develop in a society that emphasizes individual responsibility?


In a world with less government control over the market, how would you ensure fair competition among businesses?


How could the absence of government regulatory bodies impact consumer trust in products and services?


Without government welfare, how might your community organize to help those facing financial hardship?


In a minimally governed society, how would you and your peers address widespread health issues like a flu outbreak?


How might a lack of government in education affect your prospects for higher learning and career advancement?


What role do you think social media could play in a world with reduced government oversight?


How do you think your neighborhood would change if all utilities were privately controlled?


If public parks were privately owned, do you think they would be better maintained or less accessible?


How would you adapt if your community's safety relied on volunteer-run organizations rather than police funded by the government?


How would your school or workplace change if all infrastructure repairs and upgrades were managed privately?


What form of currency do you think might emerge in a society with very limited government involvement in the economy?


How could a minimal government impact the diversity and multiplicity of cultural expressions in your area?


What new responsibilities would you take on if your community had to self-manage without central governance?


In what ways could less government control lead to more collaboration and innovation among individuals?


How would your approach to solving local problems change if there was no government to step in?


What personal initiative have you taken that could be applied on a larger scale in a community with minimal government?


What changes in your lifestyle or habits would you anticipate if essential utilities like water and electricity were solely provided by private companies?


If a minimal state required more personal involvement in decision-making, how do you think this would affect voter turnout and civic engagement?


What personal freedom do you enjoy that might be enhanced in a society with minimal state interference?


How could we handle the protection of endangered species in a system relying solely on private initiatives?


When faced with a natural disaster, what strategies might communities use to respond effectively without government support?


How could private entities support scientific research and how might their interests influence the direction of that research?


How do you envision the roles of parents and the community would evolve in educating children without public schools?


If healthcare was entirely private, how do you think society would address the needs of those who couldn't afford care?


What methods would you suggest for protecting your virtual privacy if online security was not regulated by the government?


How might your daily life be different if road repairs and traffic laws were managed by local community groups instead of a government body?


How would you protect your personal property in a society where the government's role in law enforcement is very limited?


What's your experience when you've had to solve a problem on your own without relying on authorities?