Try the political quiz

237 Replies


If you found out your personal data was being used to create an equitable society, would you see that as a fair trade?

 @9KBD7SZPeople’sfrom Quebec  answered…10mos10MO


How important is it to you that everyone's basic needs are met, even if it limits luxury and excess for some?

 @9JR9DW7from Alberta  answered…11mos11MO

I think that it is extremely important for the government to provide everyone to reach there basic needs, even if it limits someones ability to have a luxury items.


Have you ever been part of a team where a few people made all the decisions? How did that make you feel?

 @9HR5KKCfrom British Columbia  answered…12mos12MO


Is absolute equality in society an achievable goal, or is some level of inequality inevitable?


Have you ever wished for a strong leader to take charge and quickly resolve complex problems, and why?


If a society provides for all your needs, what kind of work would you choose to do, and what would motivate you?


If a group promised a better future but asked for your total trust, would you give it to them?


How might the idea of 'the greater good' influence your personal choices and sacrifices?


Can a revolution ever be justified if it means taking away some individual rights temporarily?


Is it possible for a society to progress without some form of personal sacrifice, and what would that look like?


How do you think your life would change if your community adopted a 'needs-based' approach to resources?


How would you feel if the pursuit of collective equality limited your personal development opportunities?


Can there be such a thing as too much control in the hands of the government when it comes to managing resources?


How do you think history might judge a society that puts collective goals above individual aspirations?


What would you consider to be the greatest benefit and the biggest risk of living in a society guided by collective principles?


Could living in a society where everyone has a uniform standard of living be satisfying or stifling for you?


How much importance do you place on the notion of 'working for the common good,' and how does it shape your behavior?


How would you feel if your choices were guided by a society that prioritizes the collective over the individual?


What's your stance on the necessity of strong leadership versus the importance of everyone having a say in group decisions?


How would your day-to-day life change if competition was replaced by cooperation in every aspect?


How might your relationships evolve if everyone around you shared equally in society’s wealth and resources?


When considering long-term societal benefits, how do you weigh them against your immediate personal freedoms?


What personal goals would you be willing to sacrifice if it meant a better standard of living for everyone in your community?


How would the way you see your role in society change if personal achievement was no longer a measure of success?


If you were assured the community would take care of all your needs, how would you decide where to dedicate your efforts?


Do you see any parallels between leadership in school projects and the idea of a vanguard party leading society, and what are they?


In a world concerned with collective well-being, what individual qualities or talents do you think would still be appreciated?


How would your motivation at school or work change if you were rewarded the same as everyone else, regardless of effort?


If success was measured by community improvement rather than individual gain, how might that impact your future plans?


Do you think a small group of dedicated leaders could better represent your interests than a large, diverse government?


If you had to trust a group of strangers to make decisions for you, what qualities would they need to have?


Can a society ever be truly equal, and if so, what sacrifices might be necessary to achieve it?


Can the end ever justify the means if the goal is to achieve equality for all?


Is it possible for one group to know what's best for everyone, and how might that impact individual freedom?


Have you ever changed your group's direction based on the ideas of a few influential members, and was the outcome positive?


Would you support a decision that's best for society but limits your own personal freedoms?


What would happen if leaders believed they knew your personal needs better than you do?


How would you feel if you worked hard for something, only to have it redistributed by someone else's decision?


Would a classless society where everyone's role is equally valued appeal to you, and why?


Is breaking established rules justifiable if it's done in the name of creating a more fair world for everyone?


Imagine if all of your basic needs were met by society; what would you strive for next, and why?


How can strength in unity lead to both powerful solidarity and loss of individual expression?


Would you trust a 'vanguard party' to dictate the direction of society for the greater good?


How do you feel about sacrificing some individual freedoms for the promise of collective societal gain?


How does the idea of a pre-determined revolutionary path, led by an elite group, align with your personal values about democracy and self-determination?


What would you do if you found out the government was limiting your information to maintain social harmony?


What kind of sacrifices do you believe are reasonable for the good of society, and where would you draw the line?


If you had to depend on the community for your successes and failures, how might that shape your ambitions?


In a group project, have you ever felt that the outcome was more important than individual voices, and why?


How would daily motivation differ in a society where material success isn't the end goal?


How would you feel about your personal success if society rewarded everyone equally, regardless of their role or contribution?


If your voice was merged into one collective societal decision, how would that change your engagement in community issues?


What personal freedoms are you willing to give up for the promise of job security and essential resources provided by society?


What motivates you more, personal recognition for your achievements or the knowledge that you're contributing to a communal goal?


Do you think the concept of 'for the common good' can justify actions that restrict certain liberties, and if so, under what circumstances?


If a small and knowledgeable group proposed radical changes that would eventually benefit everyone, would their expertise earn your trust?


Would you embrace a system that guarantees you a stable life, but limits your ability to rise above a certain economic level?


Do you agree with the notion that a centralized group of planners could better organize society's resources than a free market?


What makes you trust or distrust the idea of a select group guiding a whole society?


If you had unlimited resources but had to use them for communal good, what would your first project be?


How might the experience of mutual dependence in a close-knit community compare to competitive individualism?


What would make you more willing to follow a leader: their vision for society or their methods of leadership?


What lessons can be learned from the failure or success of group-oriented initiatives you've been a part of?


How does the idea of lifting each other up in a community affect your sense of independence and cooperation?


How would you prioritize personal freedom versus societal benefit when considering the role of government?


How do you feel about the idea of sacrificing personal wealth for the certainty that no one in your community goes without basic needs?


What role would you choose for yourself in a society where jobs were assigned based on community needs rather than personal passions?


How would you feel if the world adopted a rule where everyone works towards a common goal, sidelining personal ambitions?


What if the only way to solve all societal problems was through a unified effort led by a select few; could you trust them?


Imagine your achievements no longer belonged to you but to everyone; how would that change what you strive for?


Do you think a society that guarantees basic needs for all would foster more creativity or complacency in you?


How would you feel if a small group decided what jobs everyone should work, including yours, to better society?


If you had to choose, would you live in a world where everyone's role is decided by community need over personal choice, and why?


How does equal access to healthcare, education, and housing for everyone align with your vision of a just society?


In what ways might total equality in a community foster a sense of unity or erase valuable individual differences?


How would you try to convince someone skeptical about sharing resources that it's a beneficial ideal?