Try the political quiz

167 Replies


How would you approach the challenge of bringing technological advancements to remote areas while preserving their culture?

 @9JJWHCKfrom Alberta answered…5mos5MO

only implementing technologies that would help them and that they accept


How would you propose we keep rural traditions alive in an increasingly digital world?

 @9J8R9BDfrom Ontario answered…5mos5MO

Preserving rural traditions amidst a digital era involves fostering a harmonious integration of technology and tradition. Embracing digital platforms for storytelling, skill-sharing, and community engagement can empower rural communities to both showcase and sustain their unique heritage, ensuring that age-old traditions evolve alongside the technological advancements of the modern world


To what extent should governments subsidize agriculture to support rural economies?

 @9HD4NRNfrom Ontario answered…7mos7MO

This is something that the government should invest in as agriculture affects all canadians


If you were to design a technology specifically for rural use, what problem would it solve?


If I were to design a technology specifically for rural use, one problem I would solve is improving internet connectivity. In many rural areas, the internet is very slow and limited, which makes it hard for residents to communicate online and access the internet. By creating a technology that fixes this problem and enhances internet connectivity in rural areas, it will allow more opportunities.


In what ways do you think the fresh foods available in rural communities affect the health and diets of their residents?

 @9LFY355from British Columbia answered…3mos3MO

i think that the more food there is the better off everyone will be, those without access need support for those who can


What possible advantages do you see in growing up in a rural setting compared to an urban one?

 @9JLGHHZConservativefrom Nova Scotia answered…5mos5MO

Smaller communities, cleaner environments, opportunities to learn useful skills in a rural environment


How would you feel if your favorite internet services were suddenly unavailable, as they might be in some rural areas?

 @9JJX4MMfrom Nova Scotia answered…5mos5MO

It would be very difficult to do work and and communicate with my family and friends.


How can meaningful cultural exchange between rural and urban youths be fostered?


If you could preserve one aspect of your lifestyle in a rural setting, what would it be?


If you could bring one urban convenience to rural areas, what would it be, and how might it affect the community?


How do you think the values of self-sufficiency in rural areas can be applied to modern urban living?


What aspect of rural culture do you think deserves more attention, and why?


How have your interactions with nature differed when in rural settings compared to urban environments?


If you had to rely on your local community as your primary social network, how do you think that would change your relationships?


What values from rural cultures do you think would benefit today's fast-paced society?


Can you imagine how internet connectivity could transform educational opportunities for rural students?


How has a visit to a rural location changed your perspectives on consumption and waste?


If you could introduce city friends to a rural tradition, what would it be and what would you hope they learn?


What's one thing you think people misunderstand about the pace of life in rural areas and why?


How would you adapt an urban hobby to fit into a rural lifestyle, and why?


Have you ever found solace in the quietness of the countryside and what did it teach you about noise in our lives?


How would you describe the feeling of belonging you get in a small community compared to a large city?


What are your thoughts on the balance between conservation and farming in countryside areas?


Can you think of a way that growing up in a rural area has shaped your character or values?


If you could solve one issue facing rural youth today, what would it be and why?


What emotions would you associate with the serenity of a rural sunrise, and why?


Can you think of a particular craft, skill, or tradition from rural life you'd like to learn, and why?


What are some creative ways to translate urban environmental efforts to rural contexts?


Have you ever considered agriculture as a career, and if not, what could potentially change your mind?


If you were to create a project that bridges the gap between rural and urban lifestyles, what would it be about?


Do you have any personal stories that reflect the close-knit nature of rural communities?


What would a perfect day spent in the countryside entail for you, and why does it appeal?


If internet access were as common in rural areas as in cities, how do you think that would change rural life?


Can you think of a historical figure who embodies the spirit of rural life and why they resonate with you?


How might your daily routines change if you lived in a rural area, and what aspects of city life would you miss most or least?


When thinking of a quiet morning in the countryside, what feelings or thoughts come to mind?


How has the environment where you grew up influenced your value of open space and nature?


Have you ever felt that time moves differently in rural settings, and if so, in what way?


What changes do you foresee if more people choose to work remotely from rural locations?


What would be the first thing you'd want to show a friend from a rural area about city life, and why?


How could wild spaces in rural areas be protected while also allowing for responsible economic development?


How do you feel the celebrations of national holidays might differ between rural and urban settings?


What hobbies or interests do you think you would develop if you moved from a city to a countryside?