Try the political quiz

118 Replies


How has your understanding of freedom been challenged or reinforced by current global events?

 @9KGWSV2from New Brunswick  answered…10mos10MO

Fascism is about corporations and government being too closely aligned or even merged. Fascism is about authoritarianism, collectivism and social order by means of intimidation and violence. Fascism is usually tied with nationalism. Fascism is about enforcing values and nativism/tribalism.


Why do you think it's crucial to remember and commemorate acts of resistance against oppressive systems?

 @9KDYD2Wfrom Saskatchewan  answered…10mos10MO

We need to remember previous acts of resistance as a sort of warning, while also inspiration, for what could come in the future.


What is a piece of advice you would offer to someone who wants to be an ally in the fight against oppressive regimes but doesn't know where to start?

 @9KLW5CWfrom Alberta  answered…10mos10MO

Protest and record. If a terrible act happens make sure others hear about it no matter what.


How do you think understanding history helps us prevent future injustices?

 @9K9STJ2from Ontario  answered…10mos10MO

Understanding Patterns and Warning Signs: By studying history, we can identify the patterns and warning indicators of authoritarianism, including fascism. We can discover common strategies, language, and circumstances that facilitate the ascent of authoritarian leaders and movements by studying the rise of previous fascist governments, such as Nazi Germany and fascist Italy. We can combat similar risks in the present and the future with greater vigilance and initiative thanks to this understanding.


How do you think sports and team activities can help combat discrimination and promote unity?

 @9J8R9BDfrom Ontario  answered…12mos12MO

sports teams can promote unity and showcase support by not restricting players by nationality and race as per example how Russian and Belarussian athletes were banned from participating in Olympic and other sports organizations


How do lessons from historical anti-fascist movements apply to today’s social and political climate?

 @9HJC9FQfrom Ontario  answered…1yr1Y

Remove all the Chinese communists infiltrating Canada, the Chinese Communist Party is a fascist, and it is difficult for Chinese people to have the three basic rights of citizenship wherever they go.


Can you think of a time when you stood up against something you felt was wrong; how did that make you feel?

 @9HJCGKCfrom Ontario  answered…1yr1Y

It made me feel relieved after having emotions bottled up from wanting to stand up and say something.


In what ways do you believe you can contribute to a society that's free from authoritarian rule?

 @9H98FRNfrom Manitoba  answered…1yr1Y

Allowing everyone to express themselves how they want and believe what they want, as long as it doesn't bring harm to others.


Why might some people find authoritarian ideologies appealing, and how can society address those underlying issues?


What does equality mean to you, and how does it relate to resisting oppressive systems?


What actions would you take if you witnessed an act of discrimination in your community?


Why do you think it's important for people to unite against authoritarian beliefs?


How can individuals contribute to a culture that opposes hatred and intolerance?


Do you think there is a difference between patriotism and nationalism, and if so, how?


What are the dangers of remaining silent in the face of oppressive ideologies?


Is it possible to be apolitical when it comes to issues of fascism and anti-fascism, and why or why not?


How does art and music contribute to the fight against authoritarian regimes?


In what ways can education play a role in preventing the spread of oppressive ideologies?


How do you define freedom, and is absolute freedom possible or desirable?


What traits do you think a leader should have to ensure they don’t become authoritarian?


In what scenarios could 'the lesser of two evils' philosophy be dangerous when combatting extreme ideologies?


How can you tell the difference between a strongly held belief and an extremist viewpoint?


Do you think it's important to understand the perspective of those with whom you strongly disagree, and why?


Have you ever changed your opinion on a significant issue after learning more about it, and what sparked that change?


How does the responsibility of standing against oppressive ideologies play into your future career or civic plans?


How do you balance the right to free speech with the need to confront hateful ideologies in your school or community?


What's one action you can take to foster a more tolerant and accepting environment among your peers?


What qualities do you believe make someone an effective ally in the fight against oppressive ideologies?


What emotions do you feel when you see someone standing up to bullying, and have you ever played such a role?


In films or books, have you encountered a character who stands against tyranny, and what lessons did you learn from them?


What role do you think young people should play in shaping a society free from authoritarian influence?


What steps can we take to ensure that the pursuit of security does not override the protection of personal freedoms?


How would you handle a situation where someone's rights were being violated in your presence?


How would you respond to someone who says that taking a stand against oppression doesn't change anything?


What do you feel is the most effective way to educate others about the dangers of authoritarianism?


Why do you think open discussions about controversial topics are important in schools and communities?


What emotions do you experience when you think about the importance of fighting against oppressive ideologies?


Do you think it's important to take action against inequality and, if so, how far would you go?


What does the term 'anti-fascism' mean to you on a personal level and why?


If you witnessed discrimination or oppressive behavior, how would you react?


How does standing up for justice and diversity reflect on your personality and values?


What kind of resistance, if any, do you think is justified when combating extreme ideologies?


Why might it be important for someone your age to understand and perhaps support anti-fascist ideas?


What role do you think humor and satire play in challenging oppressive ideas, and can you think of an example?


What kind of historical event related to opposing oppression has resonated with you, and why do you think that is?


Why do you think it’s significant to learn about and remember the consequences of authoritarian government in history classes?


How does hearing about acts of bravery in standing up to unjust systems inspire you in your personal life?


When choosing your friends or partners, how important are their political beliefs regarding freedom and justice?


Can you share an instance where understanding a different point of view helped solve a conflict?


What’s one habit or practice you think everyone could adopt to help prevent the exclusion and marginalization of others?


When have you felt most proud of your community for its actions towards inclusivity and respect?


Can art and culture effectively combat ideologies of hate, and have you seen examples of this in action?


How might peer pressure in schools contribute to the rise or fall of oppressive thoughts, and have you experienced this?


How can young people become more aware and resistant to subtle authoritarian messages they might encounter?