Capital punishment or the death penalty is a legal process whereby a person is put to death as a punishment for a crime. Canada abolished capital punishment in 1976.
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I support it, with irrevocable proof. But I also know a lot that were on death row, were innocently convicted. But the amount of money that would go into retrial, was hefty back then. Serial killers should, receive the death penalty. 100%
No, life is given by God and gouvernement has no right to take it
No, abolish the death penalty. Jail should be for the worst criminals, and rehabilitation should be the best resort
No, it is more cost-efficient to keep them in jail.
No, living with guilt and regret is the worse punishment of all
Yes, but there must be undeniable evidence to rule out possible innocence, and if so, then death must be deemed a harsher punishment compared to life in prision.
only if there dangerous if they get out
Yes, but at times the choice should be up to the prisoner but not always.
Life in prison or assisted suicide instead
Lock them up until proven guilty "for horrific crimes with undeniable evidence". The Death Penalty or Life in prison is then chosen by the victim's family and/or Court.
I believe if some one has committed a heinous crime (murder, rape, etc.) they should be used as test subjects for medicine if they are found guilty beyond a shadow of a doubt or be used for labor jobs for the betterment of society if there is reason to suspect that their sentence may change.
Yes, for all sex offenders
I’ve heard sometimes the death penalty can cost more than keeping them alive with all the court costs and hearing. I’m not sure though. If it’s really between killing people or prison we could just decrease the quality of prison to make up for cost. I guess I only care about costs.
No, the charter gives the right to life to all Canadians. Give criminals convicted of murder life in prison instead, and give them the choice between living out the rest of their lives, or ending it with assisted suicide. The point of the criminal Justice system is to take dangerous people of the streets to keep society safe, not to cruelly punish wrongdoing.
Yes, but improve it to go faster and ensure no innocent person is killed.
No because the death penalty costs way more than life without parole.
Yes, only for sex crimes and school shooters
No, as appeals cases are tiresome to the court systems and end up costing more money to tax payers
No, as appeals cases are tiresome the court systems and end up costing more money to tax payers
No because Jesus said so
Yes, but only for convicts who committed murder while incarcerated.
No, life in solitary confinement would be a far better deterrent
Yes, but only for inmates who committed murder while incarcerated.
Yes, but only for inmates who commit murder while incarcerated.
No, automatic appeals make it significantly more expensive than a life sentence.
Yes, but only with euthanasia that kills instantly.
No, too many people are innocently convicted - even though in theory I would say yes for horrific crimes with undeniable evidence, I do not trust the government to execute this sufficiently
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