Capital punishment or the death penalty is a legal process whereby a person is put to death as a punishment for a crime. Canada abolished capital punishment in 1976.
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@9D4YVYKNew Democratic2yrs2Y
No. We should focus on rehabilitation of people in prisons rather than punishment and/or death.
@9RC97PLNew Democratic8mos8MO
No, the death penalty will increase number of appeals and increase costs and burden to the legal system.
@96VPMXGNew Democratic2yrs2Y
No except in very severe cases
@8TX5K2WNew Democratic4yrs4Y
For violent crimes committed in prison
@8J66B8RNew Democratic4yrs4Y
No, you are showing people that murder is illegal by murdering them.
@997L8JJNew Democratic2yrs2Y
Yes, but at the discretion of the convicted or their Family, with the alternative being life in prison.
@8V5TPXXNew Democratic4yrs4Y
No, but there should be a reform of how our prison structure is modelled to reflect an interest in rehabilitation. There should also be more funded mental health outreach, particularly in communities at risk for breeding crime. Mental health services in prisons as well that are geared toward reform.
@8TV88B5New Democratic4yrs4Y
Yes, but only for heinous crimes such as betraying the country (not whistleblowers) or acts exploring the vulnerable in horrific ways
@92W29CRNew Democratic3yrs3Y
Personally I believe a life sentence is worse than death, and I also believe rehabilitation makes more sense
No, way too many people are innocently convicted, and prisons should work on rehabilitation rather than punishment. Also, abolish prisons
Yes but only for horrific crimes with undeniable evidence
Yes, if the person murdered another person on purpose.
No, if the death pentality is for extreme cases of murder then murdering said criminals should count thus rendering the process useless.
No, we should be wary of giving the government the power to end the life of its citizens.
I'd rather have someone that comitted a horrific crime be tortured for life, rather than given the death penalty or life in prison. Life in prison isn't so bad when you get used to it, and the death penalty is an easy way out.
Yes, if the person is proven to be unchangeable and a danger if kept alive.
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