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10 Replies

 @9GZYG4Jfrom Quebec  answered…1yr1Y

Yes, for Homicide, mass murderer, serial killer, terrorist, rape, crime against children, crime against humanity and act of treason against the peoples of Canada.

 @9D8PLJBConservativefrom Quebec  answered…2yrs2Y

 @9VH57MJfrom Quebec  answered…6mos6MO

yes, but only for horric crimes with undeniable evidence where the accused had no reason or without a justifiable reason such as if the victim was the accused abuser

 @B45SQLYfrom Quebec  answered…5 days5D

Yes if u commit a crime that’s serious and u have killed someone or hurt someone emotional and physically you don’t deserve to live . Let’s bring the electrical chair back

 @8SF7HN3from Quebec  answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, but only for horrific crimes or crimes involving the abuse/neglect of children with undeniable evidence.

 @mrmustacheofrom Quebec  answered…5yrs5Y

Yes, but only if an in-depth psychological assessment finds the convict to be exceedingly narcissistic, machiavellian, and/or psychopathic.

 @99NBHK8Conservativefrom Quebec  answered…2yrs2Y

Yes, but at times the choice should be up to the prisoner but not always.

 @8W468RYConservativefrom Quebec  answered…4yrs4Y

Lock them up until proven guilty "for horrific crimes with undeniable evidence". The Death Penalty or Life in prison is then chosen by the victim's family and/or Court.

 @8XKT3BGfrom Quebec  answered…3yrs3Y

Yes, but only for horrible mala in se crime like: Rape, murder, Serial Killing, mass murdering event and terrorism.


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