Try the political quiz

23 Replies

 @9HBYT88from Alberta answered…8mos8MO

The biggest thing to help this issue is as simple as encouraging education on the criticized/stereotyped party

 @9HBC5FTfrom Alberta answered…8mos8MO

I think that we just need to realize that everyone has baggage and that we should keep these conversations for people who agree with you rather than starting an argument with someone that doesn’t agree with you.

 @9HBP2GLfrom Ontario answered…8mos8MO

I think you can encourage people and educate people more on everyone culture and really try to encourage everyone to not be rude

 @9HCM99RPeople’sfrom Ontario answered…8mos8MO

more unbaised information and education of Middle Eastern cultures, political and governmental structures and way of life. We tend to base our opinions only from the stand point of what we know as normal and acceptable. To broaden our understanding of others would go far in understanding the values and stances of others.

 @9HBL7K3from Ontario answered…8mos8MO

showing and expressing mor information begind it. Most people do not know the backround before they make assumptions

 @9H9TJ8Kfrom Ontario answered…8mos8MO

I don't think much be done except for the fact that penalties could be increased. People should also be able to control themselves.

 @9H9QP5Vfrom Ontario answered…8mos8MO

In equality and biases of all kind are based on in accurate and disrespectful opinions therefore injustice. A person religion, gender and race should not effect the way they are treated. Like how bad people don’t apply to all.

 @9HCMJ92from Quebec answered…8mos8MO

 @9HCMD29from Saskatchewan answered…8mos8MO

We need more freedom of speech so criticism isn’t labeled as racism or bigotry.

 @9HB67G5from Manitoba answered…8mos8MO

 @9HBBRVPNew Democraticfrom Ontario answered…8mos8MO

Not much can be done as the law won't stop people from what they think and believe

 @9HBH2Y6from Ontario answered…8mos8MO

Speak up and tell them to stop or to go on social media and encourage it to stop.

 @9HBY8MVfrom Ontario answered…8mos8MO

 @9HBNWJ6from Ontario answered…8mos8MO

 @9HC8BQ7from Ontario answered…8mos8MO

Islam and any extreme beliefs are dangerous by nature. Ban advertising. Islamophobia is a reality

 @9HCGG3TGreenfrom Ontario answered…8mos8MO

There must be belief in peace among all partys. We cannot exist with hate against eachother or we will destroy eachother. In terms of actual solutions i have no clue.

 @9HBTSH5from Ontario answered…8mos8MO

 @9HB4G3YConservativefrom Ontario answered…8mos8MO

 @9HBKZJBfrom Ontario answered…8mos8MO

As an Islamic person myself, we need to stop making stereotypes against us or any group of people.

 @9HCCZ9Zfrom Ontario answered…8mos8MO

I think that we just need to realize that everyone has baggage and that we should keep these conversations for people who agree with you rather than starting an argument with someone that doesn’t agree with you.

 @9HB67SKfrom Ontario answered…8mos8MO

It should be ended because Islam is a culture/race just like Indians and I am Indian.

 @9HCKGC7from Ontario answered…8mos8MO

I don't think much be done except for the fact that penalties could be increased. People should also be able to control themselves.

 @9H9T9D2from Ontario answered…8mos8MO


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