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I feel happy to hear diversity and I think we should be proud of having other worldviews to learn from
Canada is a place for Canadians what makes us unique is not how many countries have the cultural districts and restaurants in our country but our unique history and culture which no other country has. And as well as unique people which as well can only be found in large numbers and as a majority in Canada. If Canadians are not the majority there will be no such things as Canadians or a Canada.
Canada is a nation made up of immigrants, people from all different backgrounds, it is a patchwork made of the entire world. I am happy to see people celebrating and keeping their culture alive, My family also immigrated to Canada, and for me it always makes me happy to hear people speak the languages of my heritage.
I feel joy, because I love to hear other people engaging in a language that is likely tied to a culture that is different than mine, and that connection is important, and beautiful.
Doesn't bother me a whole lot...although some times it does feel a bit rude. I work in a very diverse workforce and have many cultures around me.
Many different languages being spoken represents a safer environment as they feel more comfortable to not conform to the English speakers and feel more at home
I don't feel anything different really unless the linguistics are annoying
I don't really mind when someone is speaking a different language with their friends or family but if they are trying to talk to me in a different language or have a convosation with me in a different langauge I would try my best to communicate with them.
I think its cool how much diversity there is, even in places where you wouldnt expect to hear other languages
i think that is important for the rights of everyone to be held to the same standard
I feel normal. I don't acre about people speakimg other languages
Canada is a very diverse country and different languages should be heard more often
@LeftAnglicanNew Democratic 9mos9MO
I feel intrigued by the language and a drive to learn more languages. I feel this way because I think all languages are unique forms of communication.
It does not bother or affect me when others speak in their native language
I don't really give a **** , odds are theyre just having a normal conversation.
when I hear languages I don't understand I don't care because it's not something I much care about
I feel normal because it's fine for others to be speaking in other languages.
That is the beauty of diversity. That we are all different and should respect that.
@9P8NRFMNew Democratic 9mos9MO
I am not bothered by people speaking languages that I do not know, if anything I am more intrigued by them and wouldn't mind learning more about the language & culture.
I'm feel indifferent to language I don't understand since the Lingua Franca is allowed for official use
I feel fascinated and also curious on what they are saying
I feel sad that I can’t speak them because I want to
I feel like I’d love to understand them more and would tec to make a device so there is no language barrier
I quite enjoy listening to other languages, they sound prettier then english, and flow better. I don't know why I feel this way.
As someone who constantly speaks a language that most of people don’t understand, i feel okay with it. I think it’s actually a sign of courage because they left their home country to come to a better place without even speaking the language, and even if they did speak english when they came, it’s a very hard decision to move countries.
@9J2Z6S9 1yr1Y
It doesn’t matter if people speak a different language.
I love it! It makes me feel so comfrortable, happy and glad that people feel safe enough to speak their own languages. I think I feel this way because as a person of colour, I'd hate to not be able to speak my own different languages. Also, imagine people who don't speak English, it would be reallyy hard for them therefore negatively affecting Canada.
i dont care because i too speak a different language
fine, I feel like I have more of a learning potential
I am never uncomfortable with other languages as i find them interesting.
If I hear someone in public speaking in a language I don't know, I simply don't care and ignore it.
I don't care when I hear a language I don't understand. People speak different languages, its not that deep. As for minority rights, there are enough of them. We are already equal in our rights.
I feel unbothered to hear other individuals in society communicate in a language I do not understand. Mainly because it is not my business, and I also have a minority language that I use to communicate with people from my culture.
I feel that it is totally fine and they should be able to do everything that I am able to do whether they speak the same language as me or not.
I feel fine because I come from a place where they speak a different language
i dont really care i dont have negative feelings about it
You should know how to speak English if you’re in this country
I feel when its in spots where the english language is manditory then it I dont like it otherwise It doesnt matter to me .
I don't like it because Canada is a British and French nation.
I feel like I am not being included and that they may be saying stuff about me.
It leaves me very confused and hurt as I’m not sure what they are saying. Plus you come to this country to get a better life. English should be a priority to learn. I get it if your first language is a different country but when your in public it should be English so everyone can understand.
It doesn't bother me much, but I believe it is a persons responsibiliy to learn the language of a country they are going to.
I don't care. Speak what ever language you want where ever you want. But if you live in Canada I think you must learn English or French depending on where you reside.
I do not care. If anything I’m trying to decipher what language it is solely out of my own curiosity.
@9QX6TDC 8mos8MO
When in Rome do as the Romans do. In other countries, it is good that people have different cultures. However every nation has to have its own culture, otherwise it will fall apart. Therefore I would say that a good immigrant should learn the culture and language of the people they are moving to.
It’s interesting to me. I do enjoy hearing people speak their own language, but I struggle when I try to speak to someone with an accent, which isn’t necessarily their fault.
I feel that is fine you should be able to express yourself in the country you in.
I don't really mind unless it's specific languages ie. Indian, Mandarin
If I had an ap to hear what they’re saying it would be better
Sometimes I feel that they might be talking about me.
idk dude idgaf let them speak whatever they want lol
Because I don’t spend much time learning these languages.
"Hearing languages you don't understand can evoke various reactions, such as:
Curiosity: Interest in learning more about the language and culture.
Frustration: Difficulty communicating or feeling left out.
When I hear a language I don't understand I don't care. I feel this way because whatever they're talking about in their language isn't any of my business.
@9QSH3TL 8mos8MO
i don't care like say what you wanna say it doesn't matter to me. freedom of speech type shi
I feel happy because citizens get to communicate with others in their preferred language rather than just speaking in English with others.
@Esteban-Zamora 8mos8MO
I feel indifferent to the use of languages I don't understand, I think I feel this way since I grew up in a family with multiple languages being used. However, I would prefer unity in the language spoken in Canada, at least provincially.
@9QS5M9P 8mos8MO
Doesn't bother me hearing languages I don't understand.
@9QS5M9P 8mos8MO
Don't mind when I hear different languages. Why should I? It'd only be a concern if they were being rude about it (e.g. the foreign language speakers intentionally excluding others from the conversation because they want to gossip about others).
I mind my business because it's wonderful that Canada is a diverse nation and I see it as an asset to the country that we have so manu cultures and languages.
When I hear another language I don't understand, my first reaction is what language this person is speaking. I think I feel this way because I'm a curious person.
I feel good as it means that the speaker is preserving their culture and remembering where their from.
I think that when Minorities come to Canada, it is important that they learn to speak english fluently as to fully integrate them into society.
I feel intrigued to know what is being talked about. I think I feel that way because I'm naturally interested in languages, and I'm also a very curious person.
Wait, they're not speaking English, I wish they were speaking English, then I could eavesdrop on them.
When I hear languages I don't understand, I feel as though anyone can speak their own language as part of freedom of expression, however, I am scared that certain undesirable parts of their cultures may impact Canadian culture.
Every individual should be able to speak thier own language freely but should learn how to speak English and or French for their own positive benefit
I usually feel frustrated and confused when I hear languages I don't understand. This is because I want to understand what others are talking about while not being able to.
i don't feel anything, just curiosity as a bilingual myself.
@9QQ8S8LNew Democratic8mos8MO
Mostly I wonder what language it is, and if it's just French people talking too fast for me to understand. This is because I know French and I sometimes like to test my skills by mildly eavesdropping on French people's conversations.
I just think okay that's a different language. Ok. I feel that way cause its just another language and Canada has a bunch of different people so it doesn't really suprise me.
Nothing. Because it is the language that they want to use.
@9QFM9P7 8mos8MO
People should be able to speak whatever language they want
It doesn't bother me since I also speak another language besides English which I sometimes use.
I don't really care... canada is built on immigration so it is expected, though acents can be confusing
@9Q6CVWYChristian Heritage8mos8MO
I feel confused because I can't understand them aswell as impressed and amazed by the different way they speak
I don’t particularly care if I hear a foreign language within my country’s borders, however if I start to hear more foreign languages than English or French I will become disgruntled.
I don't care, because if someone was plotting something evil they could do it in private anyways, and in English. It's nothing to get worked up about.
Let everyone do their thing, speech and language shouldn’t be legally regulated, but residents of Canada should also have the ability to speak in English or French.
English and French should be the only languages spoken so that everyone can understand each other and so that we all have a similar identity and all assimilate equally.
Don't feel bad, usually just curious what language
I have nothing against foreign languages per se, I have a problem with the quality of immigrants coming to the country.
I find it noisy. This is just because I don’t understand what they’re talking about at all. I don’t really feel comfortable.
I feel indifferent. Unless it is for work or something important, I am fine with it.
@9LXDZSK 9mos9MO
Everyone already has the same legal rights, regardless if you're a "minority" or not. I don't care at all when I hear a language that I don't understand, just keep it out of the workplace or in public services, especially if you're in an English speaking country. This would not be controversial if you're a citizen in any other nation. You're expected to engage in a certain degree of assimilation; that is if you're accepted at all based on your ethnicity in far more radical Eastern countries. "Minority Rights" is not an issue in the West.
I am confused because I don’t understand them. Nothing else.
I feel out of the loop but enjoy the multiculturalism.
Don’t care, I come from a multilingual family, no one can control what language they grew up learning
I hate foreign languages because they make the country divided and lose the original culture of the country
I don't feel one way or the other about hearing languages I don't understand. I guess if anything I'm just a bit jealous that I can't speak or understand multiple languages.
i don't feel anything really I notice it but I don't usually think about it
its interesting to see how other people communicate with eachother.
I feel excluded when I hear languages I don't understand. I feel this way because being able to not understand what one may be saying about me can be frustrating, as the individual can be saying anything about me and I won't know.
I don’t feel any way, my family also speaks multiple languages and that’s why Canada is so unique. There are so many different cultures and languages here.
I don't feel angryI only feel angry when I see more minority groups than actu al canadians like we’ve become the minority
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