Try the political quiz

11 Replies


How would you ensure that every voice is heard and valued in decision-making processes in a classroom or a community?


What would your ideal community-focused project look like, and how would it benefit everyone?


Do you think a leader's personality is as important as their policies?


How would the abolition of tuition fees change your personal future plans or aspirations?


What does 'political freedom' mean to you, and how much of it are you willing to sacrifice for societal benefits?


How would you react if essential services like healthcare and education were completely free?


Can you envision a society without private property, and what would that look like to you?


What's your take on the importance of environmental conservation versus economic growth?


If you could create a policy to improve the lives of students, what would it be and why?


How do you feel about the idea of income equality where everyone, regardless of job, receives a similar wage?


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