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5 Replies

 @8C4WVSDfrom Ontario answered…4yrs4Y

 @9JWMJCZ from Ontario answered…2mos2MO

They can deny artificial life support but they would have to go through a psychological assessment and they can choose if assisted suicide is an option for them or they can decide to choose a treatment if there is a cure for the disease by the lawful creed of the knight order.

 @9J2MLD6New Democraticfrom British Columbia answered…3mos3MO

Yes but provide free and easy alternatives for sick or disabled people so they don’t feel like they have to kill themselves since it’s otherwise too expensive

 @9HW52K8from Ontario answered…4mos4MO

No, they should be forced to suffer through whatever ailments they have until they die a natural death

 @9HCP7QVfrom Alberta answered…5mos5MO

The government should not be in the business of killing citizens, except in the case of capital punishment.

 @9GZYG4Jfrom Quebec answered…5mos5MO

Yes, but for ethical reason only passive euthanasian should be allowed when provided via public or private healthcare provider, that being said if you are an individual that is 18+ you get to do whatever you want with your own personal life.

 @9GP7SC5Conservativefrom Manitoba answered…6mos6MO

If a patient is terminlly ill and won't survive, they should have the right to decide when they pass because there's no point in letting them suffer.

 @9GGPJBWfrom Ontario answered…6mos6MO

This is a hard matter to talk about. I think the patient should have the right to decide themselves.

 @9FWW5GBfrom Ontario answered…7mos7MO

only in very specific circumstances, mental health especially needs to be tested and verified as okay by as many professionals as possible

 @9FJHRQWfrom Alberta answered…7mos7MO

i dont really understand the question, but suicide happens a lot its sad but a lot of people struggle in life and cant stay here. and prices going up and bills thats hard to pay, i have though about it too.

 @9FBMV7GPeople’sfrom Ontario answered…7mos7MO

 @9F98QSTfrom British Columbia answered…7mos7MO

Only if they understand their choice and there is no chance of survival

 @9F8XJFZfrom Ontario answered…7mos7MO

 @9F5KMPVfrom Alberta answered…8mos8MO

It's their life and anyone should be able to choose when to die if they want. Killing yourself is valid. Living your life out is also valid. Terminally ill people shouldn't have to suffer a slow painful death if they don't want to. They're gonna die anyways might as well make it quick and painful if they want that.

 @9DVZ2NFfrom Ontario answered…8mos8MO

Yes, but only if they are unable to to make a full recovery that would affect there life in a significant way.

 @9DQSF44from Alberta answered…8mos8MO

Yes, any person should have the right to choose for themselves with the counsel of a medical and mental health professional.

 @9D4V5MCfrom New Brunswick answered…9mos9MO

 @9C656B3from Alberta answered…11mos11MO

 @9C63S73from Alberta answered…11mos11MO

Perform psychological examinations. And let the Patient or Family decide.

 @9CQJF7Lfrom Ontario answered…10mos10MO

No, better care to make their last days as comfortable as possible is best.

 @9CNLPYNfrom British Columbia answered…10mos10MO

Yes, but they need a psych assessment and have no chance of surviving.

 @9BZXLCFfrom British Columbia answered…11mos11MO

 @9BZVR9Yfrom British Columbia answered…11mos11MO

psych interview; no chance of survival; allowed to refuse artificial life support; recieve medication for pain and death anxiety.

 @9BZ8XQ8from Quebec answered…11mos11MO

Yes, if there are no chances of survival for an illness and there is a serious psychological examination whether the person is mentally competent of making the decision.

 @9BXP6MQfrom British Columbia answered…12mos12MO

Yes only if their is no chance they will survive and a relative says its ok

 @9BW2B2Sfrom Alberta answered…12mos12MO

 @9BJ887SNew Democraticfrom Ontario answered…1yr1Y

Yes, but only if their illness causes them physical pain that wouldn’t be worth going through.

 @9BF2L8Gfrom Ontario answered…1yr1Y

Yes but only if there is no chance they will survive their illness and after a psychological examination to show they fully understand this choice. Those suffering with mental illness are not eligible

 @9B5DM8Pfrom Pennsylvania answered…1yr1Y

 @99RSJ3Mfrom Ontario answered…1yr1Y

this is already a thing and there is a huge market for suicide, so no

 @925KVFMfrom Ontario answered…2yrs2Y

If the patient is mentally disabled then they shouldn't be able to because they do not have the mental function to make the decision.

 @8ZSKRMYNew Democraticfrom Alberta answered…2yrs2Y

Yes, if they pass both the psychological exam and will not survive their illness

 @8ZCH4KQfrom British Columbia answered…2yrs2Y

 @8X452LTfrom Manitoba answered…2yrs2Y

I beleive that if someone is suffering so bad they want to die (not in a suicidal way) then they have the right to end their life, they deserve that choice

 @8WZ4NMBfrom Manitoba answered…2yrs2Y

No! humans should not choose when they die, it is not supposed to be their decision, leave it in God's hands

 @8WC5MFZPeople’sfrom Ontario answered…3yrs3Y

Yes, but only as a last resort, and after exhausting all options, and after a psychological examination to show they fully understand this choice

 @8W6Q9G9from Quebec answered…3yrs3Y

 @8W4KBLYfrom Ontario answered…3yrs3Y

Yes, terminal means they're going to die no matter what. They're in pain. Put them out of they're misery.

 @8VWXDZSfrom British Columbia answered…3yrs3Y

So complicated to answer yes or no but should be case driven and need to understand the percentage chance that illness is not survivable, get psychological examination, fully understand choices, and allow to refuse articula life support and no resuscitation

 @8VH22SVfrom Alberta answered…3yrs3Y

Yes but only if the individual and the immediate family feel it is right.

 @8VCS27Hfrom Saskatchewan answered…3yrs3Y

They should be allowed to live as long as possible, and you should never assist in a death.

 @8VBHV5Dfrom British Columbia answered…3yrs3Y

 @8VBG3GVfrom Alberta answered…3yrs3Y

Yes, and it shouldn’t take as long as it currently does and take away the medical requirements of being absent from drugs to make the decision

 @8V2N3DXfrom Ontario answered…3yrs3Y

yes, anyone should be allowed the right to commit suicide in a painless way, regardless of health

  @8TXVXMLfrom British Columbia answered…3yrs3Y

No, if they end their own lives it should be unassisted. Or it isn't ending your own life.

 @8TVFYWPfrom New Brunswick answered…3yrs3Y

Yes, but only if the illness is in fact terminal and there is no doubt they have made an autonomous choice. I do not support Bill C-7.


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