@9GGS8GD 11mos11MO
First of all it is unnatural for humans, to take on same sex marriage, let alone gay marriage. this is because, anyone who believes in the bible can attest to the fact that when God created the earth, he made them male and female, showing his arrangement for marriage. God is wiser than all humans put together, and his decision is for our best interest.
Secondly those who practice gay marriage often try to change their appearance to that of a woman, something very detestable and inhumane, also it is just a practice that should not even be done cause of its immoral lifestyle. as for me i see every thing bad in it, and detest does who practice it.
I am aware that your opinions on same-sex marriage are based on personal and religious views. It's critical to acknowledge the wide range of viewpoints on this subject and the importance of courteous discussion in promoting understanding. This reply gives credit to your point of view while offering a counterargument:
I appreciate your freedom of speech, and it's obvious that your viewpoint is shaped by your own values and religious views. It's true that opinions on same-sex marriage can differ greatly among people, frequently due to concerns about religion and culture.
same sex mareges should not be stoped and the people the love somone that is the same sex as them have just as right to mary the person that they want to as somone that is maring somone of the same sex. if you think that loving somone and being true to your send is grose and god wouldnt want that then you are the person that god would detest. walking up to somone ans saying that they are grose for being true to themselfs is the same as if somone came up to you and said that you should die because of what you are wereing. it is inhuman and just rude to hate somone just for how they look or how they feel about how thy love.
Not everyone believes in the bible, and why would "god" create gay people if he hates them? People can not help who they fall in love with, so if it happens to be the same sex, it is not harming anyone.
Life, in its infinite diversity, manifests in various forms and shapes. Just like a garden bursting with different flowers, humanity is a beautiful tapestry of unique individuals, each with their own distinct identities, preferences, and ways of expressing love.
Marriage, at its core, is a promise of love, commitment, and mutual respect between two people.
As for the transformation of appearance you mentioned, it's crucial to remember that everyone has the right to express themselves authentically. What might seem inhumane or detestable to one could be a life-affirming expression of selfhood to another.
In the grand scheme of the universe, we are but fleeting sparks of consciousness, inhabiting a tiny planet in the vast cosmic ocean.
@9H5GHG3Conservative 10mos10MO
Gay marriage is unnatural and is not how humans were intended to live their lives. Reproduction only can occur between a man and a woman, and so to suggest that homosexuality is beneficial or morally correct in any way is simple a falsified statement.
Everyone has the right to love who they want to love. Just because they may not be able to conceive a child together, does not mean they can't look into alternative options.
You can't choose who you love, and just because the majority of people are straight and it has been like that for a long time doesn't mean same sex marraige should be banned, you would rather somone be miserable than be in a relationship with someone they love?
Even under the very untrue assumption that homosexuality is not natural, much of modern life for humans is unnatural. Is using contraceptives unnatural, because there is no reproduction? Is wearing clothes unnatural, because originally humans did not wear them? Attempting to call something wrong, because it’s not natural is not a very solid connection. I’ll also mention, homosexuality is frequently observed in animals, and has been observed in humans since time immemorial.
If that's the case, then heterosexual cisgender individuals who can't reproduce shouldn't be able to get married then. People who don't want kids shouldn't be able to get married then. If you are too old to reproduce, you can not get married a second time then. If your argument is that reproduction can only happen between man and woman, then you are wrong because there are always different circumstances.
gay marriage should not be allowed because this country does not need ****** s to run this country They do not need to be in the country they should be put to death like in the olden days.
any just society would see you hung by the neck.
Love is love. Every person is deserving of respect, even if you disagree with their politics, lifestyle, or religion. Even you.
You seem to have a lot of resentment and hate motivating you, I would recommend professional help to assist you in finding out why. I hope you find the help you need regardless, and learn to focus on the big picture.
If it doesn't effect you. It is not your life. Therefore it should not matter.
God intended for male and female couples. That is how humans reproduce, and that is the way the world was created. To allow gay marriages is to say that we believe it is right.
You were born as a male or a female and that should be the only intimate relation and chemistry after marriage between those 2 genders (the only ones).
Gays shouldn't be a thing because it's gross and influences little children to also be gay which there parents won't support and will cause lots of problems.
I do not care if gay people marry each other as long as they do not force others into their delusion. It is not society's duty to memorize 100 different pronouns when we have bigger issues in the world.
My Religion doesn't support marrying the same sex, but I think if they don't bother me with their lgbtq+ crap I don't really care what they do.
i don't think it is a good idea because it is kind of weird. i hate seeing gay couple around it gives me the gross. it not what God intended.
I believe in God and how he made and intended the world to be, he did not intend the world to turn to same sex marriage as he even said that man should marry women.
i am a person who follows my religion and i am strongly against gay marriage but i do not show any hate or anger to the lgbtq community i think they should listen to the word of god.
Personally I disagree on the legalization of gay marriage, and here's why; to start off, a gay couple is incapable of reproducing, therefore slowing down the population growth rate, which currently is not very favourable. however putting that aside, too many gay couples might start to mess with the kids of this generation, making them question their identity, which is absolutely something that a little child should be worrying about, let alone thinking about, and if gay couples were not loud and obnoxious about it then maybe it could be a bit more acceptable, but if you're going to… Read more
We need to reproduce and the people who marry the same sex cannot reproduce without the male and felmale. So therefore they should just marry the opposite sex
Marriage shouldn’t be defined as something specifically between separate genders, is more productive to create broader definitions for policy and practices in order to reduce argument over small details.
Get married to whoever you want but do not educate the young children in school about this, there are religions and beliefs that go against it and we have to be respectful of that.
No. It is bad and men and women should only be able to marry each other. We need more straight marriages to be able to create more children.
Because most of them judges and disrespect me when I'm not disrespecting them not all of them but most of them are gay *** monkey
From this perspective, altering the definition of marriage to include same-sex couples may be seen as a violation of religious principles. Opponents of gay marriage may argue that it represents a significant departure from long-standing cultural and traditional norms. Some critics express concerns about the impact of same-sex marriage on children. They argue that children should ideally be raised in households with both a mother and a father, believing that this provides a more balanced and wholesome upbringing. Some argue that governments have a legitimate interest in promoting heterosexual marriage because it can potentially lead to natural procreation and the continuation of the human species.
i don't have one but I do not support gay marriage but, if they are happy with the person I have no problems
gay marriage should not be allowed because this country does not need those people to run this country, I think this has to come to an end.
Who said "these" people wanted to run the country in the first place and if they did how does this affect their ability to do so? Does your personal sexual orientation affect the decisions you make to a great scale?
@Daboss2o1Conservative 12mos12MO
I don't think it should be illegal but we definitely should not call it "marriage."
Marriage is a biblical thing between a man, a woman, and God. There is no other combination for marriage.
do whatever you want just dont be forcing it on someone and trying to teach it to childeren at such a young age.
Cultures and people who believe in god will be offended by the choices there making and seeing how our society is slowly falling apart, and I disagree that they should get more rights than us.
Marriage has consistently been defined as the union between a man and a woman that relates to the procreation of the human race. Call it something else instead of marriage, cause it isn't marriage.
2 people of the same sex should not be able to be more then friends with eachother, it just does not work out like it should. 2 people of the sae sex can not have a baby so there for they should nt be able to be together because re populateing is the main reason for couples
Gay marriage in unnatural, and is just people giving in to their lust and desires that need to be fought. God created marriage to be between a man and woman only as the bible clearly states in many places, anything else is sin and will not turn out as a fruitful relationship. Men and women were created to contrast and work together perfectly, two of one kind repels, like magnets do.
@9RYCN7J 1mo1MO
Gay marriages are bad for two reasons. Religious and family. Marriage isn't meant for 2 men or 2 women. Its meant for a man and a woman. When 2 flesh become 1. And 2nd. If a gay couple wants to start and family and adopt children, the child will be an outcast. Bullied and will (depending on whether the child has 2 fathers or 2 mothers) lose and sense of hav8ng a father figure of mother figure in their lives, which are equally important. The definition of marriage shouldn't be tainted by homosexuality.
Marriage is a sacred and traditional union that aught not to be tampered with. Civil union is the absolute maximum level of recognition same sex couples should be able to receive, but actual marriages should be restricted to man and woman.
Gay Marriage should be banned and made illegal in all provinces and territories in Canada. There should be a death penalty for if someone does this act. Bill C-38 must be abolished.
In the Bible, Jesus, who is the son of God, who made the world stated that marriage is between a man and a woman.
i wont agree to this because men should be with a women and women should be with a man this gay thing should not be existing
Marriage is a holy bond between a man and a women before god and god does not support gay relationships.
No. Why r u getting married to same gender. Blud that doesn’t work. Since day one nothing like this happen
I dont think marriage should be allowed in Canada. As Canada shows as a christian country, I believe that being homosexual should be banned in Canada due to the fact it rejects the Christians beleif.
Marriage is between one man and one women. They can be in a relationship but marriage should remain like how it was originally intended.
I dont think it should be legal because two people of the same gender can not reproduce nor can two people of the same gender raise a balenced child.
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