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 @9QR2H9Wfrom Ontario  answered…7hrs7H

I personally believe that instead of arresting and punishing those who suffer of drug use, we should rather offer rehabi…

 @9QQY2XLfrom Virginia  answered…11hrs11H

The immigrants should find a source of income with their help in order to be able to support themselves.

 @9QQY2XLfrom Virginia  answered…11hrs11H

Only if it doesn’t impact any other working systems in the area (social gatherings, airplanes etc.) and does not invade…

 @9QQY2XLfrom Virginia  answered…11hrs11H

It depends on how severe the situation is for the government to need to access encrypted communications, as it could be…

 @9QQXRDVfrom Ontario  answered…12hrs12H

Only redirect some funding for local police departments to social and community based programs. Provide more funding in…