Yes, and create more social programs to provide free food, clothing, and medicine
No, and make it a criminal offense

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Other Popular Answers

Unique answers from Canada users whose views extended beyond the provided choices.

 @9FY56SG from Ontario answered…10mos10MO

No, we fund these welfare programs for their benefit and if they choose not to accept thats their problem

 @99FDGSPfrom Ontario answered…1yr1Y

It depends on the public space - if they are not interfering with other's enjoyment of parks or public spaces then yes - but everybody has to enjoy and feel safe in public spaces

 @9RDGMWSfrom Nova Scotia answered…4 days4D

No, but the government should be e ensuring they have safer and more private shelters to go to that also help support addiction and mental health issue that can be developed from being homeless

 @9RD97H3from Manitoba answered…4 days4D

More information is needed to understand why they refused the available housing or shelter and address those problem

 @9RCYJ7Bfrom Prince Edward Island answered…4 days4D

No, and repeat offenders are subject to mandatory rehabilitation. Whether for drug use or to simply land a job

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