
Historical Results

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 @9P8NRFM from Alberta answered…6 days6D

Many existing roads/railways are not always kept in the same condition as those in higher density/income cities. The construction of new roads/railways shouldn't be discouraged (if there was no existing road/railway in the given area to begin with) but the upkeep of existing roads/railways should be recognised and encouraged before the construction of a new road/railway.

 @9N5BVB7from Ontario answered…3wks3W

If the highway is functional and can transport large sums of people from region to region with minor roughups in the region, then it is not required. However, new infrastructure to new locations should be made in order to make commuting more functional.

 @9MZ47BD from Ontario answered…4wks4W

repair and maintenance should have a higher priority but it important to build new infrastructure where there is none

 @9MW9BY2 from Ontario answered…4wks4W

They should do both work on the existing one and try to build new where required (only) to improve the transportation experience

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