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 @9TY279Wfrom New Brunswick answered…8hrs8H

Yes, as long as the systems are tested on a regular basis to lessen mechanical error as much as possible. Also, don't set up the mostly deadly mechanisms, for example, nuclear missiles.

 @9TWK4RLfrom Ontario answered…2 days2D

Defense applications in the sense of the Canadian military being able to use it to identify threats from foreign countries yes.

 @9TV56S7from Alberta answered…3 days3D

yes but they need to understand that AI cannot be used for every single defense. we still need to make our own solutions but i can see how AI can assist to improve defense plans

 @9TPFV66from Ontario answered…6 days6D

it would advance our technology and we can use it for defense, but i feel like they are gaining way too much power

 @9TP8MJSfrom Ontario answered…6 days6D

Yes and no because if this investment is opened to the public then everywhere we go would be ai and a lot of people will use it for unnecessary preposes.

 @9TMG6DRfrom Ontario answered…1wk1W

I don't have anything against AI, but AI could lead to problems like identity fraud and other major problems.

 @9TKHGCVfrom British Columbia answered…1wk1W

Hoping we all watched Terminator, we need to implement immense security and strict control measures if we do invest in AI defense. So yes, we should invest in AI defense, but keep a strict fist clenched over it.

 @9TJX597from British Columbia answered…1wk1W

Yes, provided it is under constant review by a third party government agency of bipartisans overseeing this.