Yes, and provide more incentives for alternative energy production
No, provide more incentives for alternative energy production instead
No, and I believe global warming is a natural occurrence
No, just enforce existing regulations
No, and the current government is over-regulating businesses

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Other Popular Answers

Unique answers from Canada users whose views extended beyond the provided choices.

 @4N5G6MJfrom Ontario answered…4yrs4Y

I don't believe in global warming... Climate change is a natural occurrence. The whole fear mongering about the climate is part of a global agenda to tax the citizen's,

 @4FQH9K8from Newfoundland answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, and the government must increase pressure on other nations to do the same which will make it easier for our companies to compete with those in other countries.

 @4HXXRLPfrom British Columbia answered…4yrs4Y

It is natural minutely caused by humans but the air quality water needs protection. Get stronger on fast foods etc. showing no respect to plastics paper that hoes in land fills. Natural garden sustainability emphasized. YES.

 @4GYKCFBfrom Ontario answered…4yrs4Y

If carbon emissions are the result of the economy than the economy must pay the cost of those emissions. There needs to be a cost associated with carbon emissions that can be passed directly to the end consumer. This is a situation that is hampered by the common access to the environment, negating political borders. Therefore it makes a case for a worldwide governing body to implement the charge of such costs. Incentives alone will not discourage the negative results of carbon emissions until alternatives are made less costly than the ones that produce carbon emissions, worldwide. Anything else will only export carbon emissions to third world countries as is the case.

 @4YRWW62from Ontario answered…4yrs4Y

No businesses are already over regulated and as a result relocating to other countries. Most of these other countries have zero environmental regs but are performing work once located in NA. and defiantly announced the increase of pollutants in order to manufacture the increased business. Try encouraging companies to return or invest by giving incentives, reasonable regulations and at the same time discourage other countries from investing in those locations. New industry in NA will bring Jobs, power usages, business taxes, support associated supplier business, etc. Then before those jobs…  Read more