Try the political quiz

190 Replies


Why do you think some people justify small acts of dishonesty?

 @9HKBVTXfrom Ontario answered…10mos10MO

Maybe they had to do it otherwise the bill wouldn't have passed to help the people


Do you think those who 'play by the rules' are at a disadvantage in society today?

 @9HKC9SVfrom Ontario answered…10mos10MO

Absolutely. People cheat the system so often and gain a lot from it. Also, it's hard to be motivated to play by the rules when our own leaders of the country don't follow basic rules like paying taxes.


What does 'fair play' mean in your everyday life and is it always easy to stick to?

 @9HKCJ2ZLiberalfrom Ontario answered…10mos10MO

Something that is Equal so if I do something and get concequenxed they should get the same trouble if they do the same thing


What kind of leader would you be: strict on rules or flexible for personal gain?

 @9HRPWGXfrom Ontario answered…9mos9MO

Provide a legal system that doesn't support corruption

Monitor politicians slightly more than regular citizens, but have there be a contract of some kind they have to sign in order for them to become a politician

Have a police force that can go after politicians should they violate the legal system

This politician can only be sentences if over 50% of the opposition party agree to it


How do you determine if a law or rule is unjust and if it's okay to break it?


Reflecting on your own life, what actions have you taken or would take to promote honesty among your peers?


How would you personally ensure fairness in a competition where no one else is playing by the rules?


In a world filled with shortcuts to success, what personal experiences or beliefs keep you committed to choosing the honest path, despite potential setbacks?


How would you feel and what would you do if you knew whistleblowing could change a policy, but also threaten your own or someone else's livelihood?


What's one action you could take to make your community more fair and just, and why do you think it would be effective?


How would your everyday life change if everyone around you valued honesty over personal gain?


Would you sacrifice your own success for the sake of upholding ethical principles, and why?


What kind of legacy would you like to leave in terms of ethical behavior and integrity?


How do current events in your country or around the world influence your views on corruption?


What kind of strategies can young people employ to resist the pressures of engaging in corrupt actions?


In what ways can unfairness in small situations lead to bigger integrity issues in society?


How would you react and what would you do if you overheard a plan to commit a corrupt act at your school or workplace?


If a powerful individual offered you success in exchange for silence about wrongdoing, what would you do?


What steps would you personally take to support someone who is standing against corruption in your community?


In what ways do you think young people can take a stand against corruption in their daily lives?


What does it say about a society if rules are bent for convenience or personal gain?


Describe a choice you made that was a small step towards creating a more honest environment.


What would it take for you to risk personal consequences to expose wrongdoing?


Can you recall an event where someone's honesty significantly changed the outcome for the better?


How does your cultural background shape your views on what is considered corrupt?


Reflect on a time when someone's integrity inspired you to act more ethically.


How do you reconcile the pressure to succeed with the desire to maintain integrity?


Have you ever had to make a decision between personal benefit and collective well-being, and what guided your choice?


Describe how you would feel if you won a competition fairly versus winning by cheating.


What do you feel is the most difficult part about standing up against corruption?


How do you balance the desire to fit in with the need to uphold your ethical beliefs?


What strategies do you use to cope with the temptation to take shortcuts that might compromise your values?


If you were to introduce a new rule at school to reduce dishonesty, what would it be and how would you enforce it?


Reflect on a time when you noticed someone going out of their way to be fair; what impact did it have on you?


In what way has a public figure's stance on corruption influenced your view of leadership?


How would you confront a situation where someone's actions harm the community but benefit you personally?


If your future self could thank you for one ethical choice you're making today, what do you hope it would be?


Describe a real-life situation where doing the right thing led to unexpected benefits for you or someone else.


How would you respond if someone you admire offered you a favor in return for compromising your values?


What example of everyday heroism in the face of injustice or corruption has touched you the most?


When you think of a transparent community or society, what images come to your mind?


If you saw a stranger in a moral dilemma, what advice would you give them about integrity?


How do your personal experiences shape your understanding of why corruption is harmful?


In a situation where everyone is cheating, how would you motivate yourself to remain honest?


Have you ever made a sacrifice for the greater good and how did it make you feel?


How can we, as individuals, help create an environment where honesty is the norm?