Try the political quiz

144 Replies


Do you believe that as teenagers, you have the power to drive change through volunteer work?

 @9KXWL4Zfrom Ontario answered…6mos6MO


If your school's extracurricular activities were all voluntary, how do you think that would affect student participation?

 @9KKZD29New Democraticfrom British Columbia answered…7mos7MO


Have you or someone you know ever chosen not to participate in a community event, and why?

 @9JL8YHFfrom Alberta answered…8mos8MO


Without governmental obligation, what would inspire you to take care of public spaces or amenities?

 @9J3GTJ6from Alaska answered…8mos8MO

tax credits if the care can be verified, greater recycling fees and credits.


How do you think communities would change if everything operated on a voluntary basis?


In what ways do you think voluntarism could encourage or hinder community cooperation?


Have you been part of a group effort where everyone contributed voluntarily and succeeded?


How can a peer-to-peer support system in schools function without formal organization?


Can you explain a time when you felt personally empowered by volunteering your skills or time?


What personal goals or lifestyle changes would you consider to contribute to a society built on voluntarism?


Do you find more personal fulfillment in volunteering for less popular causes?


If you were in charge, which societal problems would you tackle first with volunteer resources?


How would you suggest a voluntary society address the needs of those who cannot advocate for themselves?


Do you feel volunteering should be motivated by personal values or by societal pressure?


How does the idea of a society based on voluntary cooperation challenge your current beliefs about community?


If you could create a volunteer project to address any issue in your community, what would it be, and why?


How have small acts of kindness you’ve encountered shaped your view on volunteering?


Would you help a stranger in need if there were no expectations for reward or recognition?


What skills or lessons have you learned through volunteer experiences that you feel will benefit your future career or life?


If a friend inspired you to volunteer for a cause you knew little about, would you do it; why or why not?


Do you believe that acts of kindness and volunteerism can be contagious; if so, what's an example you've witnessed?


What kinds of incentives, if any, would motivate you to volunteer for something you're not particularly passionate about?


How important do you think it is for celebrities or influencers to be involved in volunteer work?


Is there a cause you feel strongly about that you wish more people volunteered for?


How can a group inspire its members to take voluntary action towards a common goal?


Why do you think some people volunteer regularly while others do not, and where do you fit in that spectrum?


What inspires you to help others without being asked, and how do you choose whom to help?


How would you go about resolving a disagreement in a society that values voluntary agreements above all?


How could a network of voluntary transactions shape the future of economic systems?


In what ways do you think a shift towards voluntary actions could impact environmental conservation efforts?


Do you think high levels of voluntary engagement could lead to more individual or collective innovation?


What incentives might encourage people to contribute to the common good without mandatory enforcement?


If you could voluntarily choose, which community services would you contribute to and which would you opt out from?


How would you ensure a balance between personal freedoms and the needs of the collective in a voluntary society?


If there were no mandatory laws, how do you think communities would enforce ethical standards?


What role does trust play in a successful volunteer initiative, and how can it be cultivated?


In your opinion, are people fundamentally generous enough to sustain a society based on voluntarism?


Can a voluntary society provide for the needs of the elderly and children, and how might it do so?


What are the moral implications of voluntarism regarding those unable to participate due to disability or poverty?


Can you think of a situation where voluntary participation vastly improved an outcome?


What role should volunteerism play in education, and could it sustain a school system?


Which do you value more: personal freedom or societal welfare—and can both be achieved in a voluntary society?


What are the benefits and drawbacks of a society where citizens can choose their level of involvement in governance?


Do you believe that a fully voluntary society could realistically protect the rights of the less fortunate?


What volunteer opportunities have made the biggest impact on you and why?


What personal experiences have you had with volunteer-based projects, and how did they turn out?