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180 Replies

 @9L2SXDRfrom Alberta  answered…12mos12MO

There needs to be a balance. Nationalism is a dangerously slippery slope, but we should definitely try as hard as we can to do right by our own citizens without dipping into nationalist territory.

 @9L3XB2Sfrom Nova Scotia  agreed…12mos12MO

Take care of your own nation's people first. Once the wellbeing of Canadians is achieved, then we can look to aid others. Prioritize Canadians.

 @9KCLS45Conservativefrom Alberta  answered…1yr1Y

I think no country is better than every other country.

 @9KJB7PSfrom Ontario  disagreed…1yr1Y

A country should be a system of values that makes society flourish. To say all systems of values are equal is stupid.

 @9KF8QLZLiberalfrom Alberta  answered…1yr1Y

Yes it is important because people need rules in order to behave in an orderly fashion.

 @9KK9CXRfrom Ontario  disagreed…1yr1Y

there are many scenarios to compare this to. If a country's well being is dependent on destroying another country, it is truly invalid to do so.

 @9KLW5CWfrom Alberta  answered…1yr1Y

I think countries should work to as much globally unity as possible. There is no reason to privatize your land because of borders from hundreds of years ago.

 @9KPZJ38from Ontario  agreed…1yr1Y

I think that it is important to prioritize citizen wellbeing because individuals wellbeing is more important that global problems.

 @9KY7TFTfrom Alberta  answered…12mos12MO

I think that a country's main priority is its own people so yes a nation should always put its own people first but then again considering how it would affect other nations can be the second priority.

 @9J9PHBQfrom Alberta  answered…1yr1Y

 @9KY2C8Nfrom Alberta  answered…12mos12MO

YES. Those who pay taxes, contribute to society and raise their families here should be prioritized.

 @9KW67KNNew Democraticfrom Alberta  answered…12mos12MO

Without taking care of a citizens wellbeing, how will a country be deemed trustworthy to a global cooperation

 @9KY8775from Alberta  answered…12mos12MO

Yes and no. Global cooperation is very important in the sense that working to creating a safe world where our national interests are protected is simultaneously working towards the wellbeing of our citizens. We can prioritize citizens' wellbeing through both domestic actions and global cooperation.

 @9KY8QQMNew Democraticfrom Alberta  answered…12mos12MO

I don't think so as global cooperation can be done in the interest of promoting the wellbeing of your citizens. Both are important.

 @9KNX3BBfrom Alberta  answered…1yr1Y

It is most important to focus on the citizen’s wellbeing. Global cooperation is not as important, because at the end of the day, the rest of the globe isn’t making our factories work, our homes warm, or our food edible. We do that for ourselves.

 @9KLT49Lfrom Alberta  answered…1yr1Y

Yes. A country that is divided between its own citizens, can't do well on an international level.

 @9K9QJD8from Alberta  answered…1yr1Y

 @9JVLPXZLiberalfrom Alberta  answered…1yr1Y

somewhere in the middle, because if we only look for the perfection of our own country, how will we make a better world if we ignore all the other global problems?

 @9KM2MJ6from Alberta  answered…1yr1Y

Countries should aim to protect it's citizens as global cooperations want to benefit firstmost. If they are someway lenient, explotation can cause great suffering and therfore they need to be strict from the very start.

 @9KFDV6Hfrom Alberta  answered…1yr1Y

It’s important to deal with your own citizens before helping others, but finding a balance between both

 @9JVWBMFConservativefrom Alberta  answered…1yr1Y

it is very important that the country prioritizes their citizens because they are the ones in charge of their country.

 @9JXPTTBLiberalfrom Alberta  answered…1yr1Y

Yes, I feel the citizens are number one for a country. They live there and it’s their home, it’s the governments job to put them first and their safety

 @9JWYKLBfrom Alberta  answered…1yr1Y

Yes, each country has their own strengths and weaknesses, and it's the responsibility of the government to prioritize their own people before global wellbeing.


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